IPOMOEA barbigera.
Bearded calyxed Ipomoea.
Natural Order. C onvola'Ulaceæ. Brown prodr. 481.
Sect. I. Ovarium unicum.
IPOM OE A . Calyx 5-partitus, nudus. Corolla campanulata
v. infundibuliformis, 5-plicata. Ovarium 2-3-loculare loculis
dispermis. Stylus indivisus. Stigma capitatum, 2-3-lobum.
Capsula 2 -3 -locularis.—-Herbæ volubiles, quandoque erecta.
Folia indivisa v. lobata, nunc pinnatifida. Semina in quibus-
dam comosa. Brown prodr. 484.
I. harbìqera, caule volubili retrorsum pubescente, fohis late
cordatis acuminatis integris postice rotundatis utrinque hirsutis,
pedunculis unifloris petiolo brevioribus juxta calycem
bibracteatis, laciniis calycinis acuminatis patentibus apice
rellexis basi dense barbatis.
Annual. Stem climbing, more or less branched,
thickly clothed with long white reflexed hairs, aite
shorter ones intermixed. Leaves broadly cordate
taper-pointed, entire, rounded, and nearly closed at
the base, hairy on both sides, reticulately veined underneath.
Petioles deeply channelled on the uppei side,
and rounded on the lower, thickly dothed with unequal
reflexed hairs. Peduncles 1 -flowered, shorter
than the petioles, slender, and smooth at the base, ot
a dark purple, the upper part green
hairy. Bracles 2, at the base of the calyx, linear,
taper-pointed, spreading, very hairy. Calyx X X r t ’
segments nearly equal in length, keeled at the back,
densely bearded at the base, with long spreading white
hairs, each seated on a gland ; points long and tapei
spreading, slightly reflexed; inner segments rather
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