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Winged-leaved Schizanthus.
Naturai Order. Scrophularina:. Brown prodr. 433.
Sect. I. Stamina duo antherifera. Capsula bilocularis.
SCH IZAN TH U S . Corolla irregularis: labio superiore
quinquefido; inferiore tripartito. Stamina 2 antherifera:
2 sterilia; filamentis villosis. C'apsa/a bilocularis.
S. pinnatus, foliis interrupte pinnatis : inferioribus bipinnatis,
floribus paniculatis : racemis secundis.
Schizanthus pinnatus. Flor. peruv. 1.izanthus Hor. pp.. 1133 tt.. 1177.. BPeerrss..
jn. 2. p. 161. Botan. regist. 725. Botan, magaz. 2404.
looker exot. Jlor. 73.
Annual. Stem from 2 to 3 feet high, erect, much
hranched; branches slender, thickly clothed with soft
villous glandular hairs, and terminated with a panicle
of flowers. Leaves interruptedly pinnate, more or less
hairy; lower ones hipinnate with smaller leaflets
intermixed; leaflets ohlong, very hlunt, more or less
toothed with hlunt rounded teeth ; upper leaves pinnatifid,
those near the flowers entire, ohlong, ohtuse,
more sharply toothed, very hairy. Flowers in panicles,
or compound secund racemes, terminating the stem,
varying in colour on different plants. Bractes 2, at
the hase of the pedicle, one double the size of the
other, oblong, obtuse, very hairy. Pedicles slender,
nodding. Calyx 5-parted, segments unequal, oblong,
ohtuse, fringed. Corolla irregular; upper lip 5-cleft,
side laciniae forked, those again notched, the upper
one entire, or slightly emarginate; lower lip 3-parted,
outer laciniae falcate, bending towards each other,
their points truncate, middle one concave, connivent,
enclosing the stamens, which are elastic, and spring
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