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HABENARIA bracteata.
Long-bracted Habenaria.
Naturai Order. Orchideæ. Brovm prodr. 309.
Sect. I. Monandræ. Anthera adnata subtermmalis persistens.
Pollinis massa e lobulis angulatis elastice cohæren-
tibus ; basi affixæ. Brown in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. u. 5. p. lo».
H A B E N A R IA . Perianthium ringens, foholis 3. v. & in
galea conniventibus. Lahellum basi subtus calcaratum v. sub-
saccatum. Anthera terminalis, loculis adnatis, basibus quandoque
solntis elongatis. Massa Pollinis pedicellatæ, pedicellis
singulis basi glandulæ respondent! nudæ msertis. Brown
prodr. 312.
H. hracteata, cornu abbreviato dldymo, labello lineari retuso-
tridentato : lateralibus obtusis ; medio obsoleto, bracteis flore
duplo longioribus. Brown in Hort. K ew. ed. 2. «. o.
Orchis bracteata. Willden. sp. pi. 4. p 34. Pursh Flor.
Amer. Sept. 2. p . 587.
Orchis bractealis. Salisb. pardis. 110.
Satyrium bracteatum. Pers. syn. 2. p . 507.
Perennial. R oot palmate. Stem about a span
high, leafy, furrowed, angular. Leaves channelled,
clasping the stem, keeled and nerved underneath,
bluntisM lower ones oblong; upper ones lanceolate,
more pointed. Spikes short, in our specimen »'flowered.
Bractes linearly lanceolate, channelled, bluntish, about
double the length of the flowers. Flowers gxeen
scentless, erect, or scarcely nodding. Germen channe led
twisted. Perianthium three outer leajiets
ovate, obtuse, the middle one rather the shortest and
narrowest; two inner ones narrowly lanceolate, bluntish.
Labellum broadly linear, point slightly 3-toothed, the
teeth blunt, and the middle one shortest. Spur or
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