GONOLOBUS hirsutus.
Hairy Gonolobus.
Natural Order. Asolepiadeæ. Brown prodr. 458.
GONOLOBUS. Massoe Pollinis læves, 10, transversæ.
Corolla subrotata. Semina comosa. Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. t). 2. p. 82.
Herbæ V SufFrutices volubiles. Folia opposita, cordata.
1 lores umbellati, axillares v. terminales.
G. hirsutus, sarmentis petiolisque hirsutissimis, foliis sensitn
acuminatis utrinque pubescentibus, corolla; laciniis oblongo-
ovalibus obtusis, follicnlis oblongis muricatis, Pursh. A.
amer. sept. vol. 1. p. 179.
Gonolobus hirsutus. Mich. flor. amer. 1. p . 119. Roem. et
Schult. syst. veg. 6. 11. Hort. sub. lond. p. 51. Steudel
nomen. p. 380.
Vincetoxicnm acanthocarpos. Walt.fl. car. 104.
Root perennial. Stems herbaceous, climbing, thickly
clothed with a dense ferruginous pubescence, and longer
hairs intermixed. Leaves opposite, cordate, hairy on
both sides, reticulately veined ; lower ones very large,
5 inches long and 4 i wide, roundly cordate, ending
abruptly in an acute point, the sinus overlapping at
the b a se : upper leaves narrowly cordate, gradually
tapering to a sharp point, and open at the base, about
2 inches long, to scarcely 1 wide. Petioles hairy, on
the lower leaves long, purple, and furrowed on the
upper side; on the upper ones, about half an inch
long, and nearly cylindrical. Umbels many-flowered.
Peduncles lateral, not so long as the pedicles, densely
pubescent, as are the pedicles and calyx and the
outside of the corolla. Calyx 5-parted, segments