P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n.
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n ,
From the Cape o f Goad Hope. In the colleftion of Mifi
Blomefield. A t Sir Jof. Banks's there is alfo one of thefe from the
fame place, which, belides the other markings,, has. a llreak of
white on the wing, parallel to the edge.
L e v . M u f.
T EN G T II eight inches and three quarters. Bill an inch long,.
not much curved, and the notch rather fmall;. the colour o f
it browns the top of the head greenilh brown : . upper parts of
the body olive brown: fides of the head the fame, but much
darker: throat and breaft alh-colour; paleft down the lhafts :
belly palfe yellowifli brown-: vent dulky : the whole o f the outer,
edge of' the wing, and the greater quills, are black; the
fecond quills are black brown, margined with dulky white : tail
brown : legs the fame : claws black.
Inhabits the Friendly lfies in-the South Sea. This fpecimen from
Tongo Taboo, .
J ARGER than a Houfe-lparrow: length eight inches. The
bill three quarters of. an inch long, ftighdy curved, emar-
ginated, and of a dulky hue : general colour of the plumage,
black: the head and neck glofled with green; the feathers of
both very narrow: belly, quills, and tail, dulky; the laft even at
the end, and three inches in length : legs black; three oblique,
fegments on the Ihins : toes divided nearly to their origin; middle
toe very long; the hind toe is alfo long, but all the claws of.
a moderate lize.