Le petit Lori Papou, Son, Voy*. p. 175. t. 111» 17.
g I Z E of the Lory Pa'rrakeet: length llxteen inches. Bill D e s c r i p t io n.
hooked, lharp at the end, and of a red colour : head, neck,
and bread:, of a bright carmine red : on the back part of the
head a fpot of*blue; beneath this are two crefcents of black:
wings' green, lhort; the green colour extends acrols the middle
of the back, forming there a large lpot; the reft of the back to
the tail is of a bright red, with a ftreak of blue down the middle:
on each fide of the. wing, juft at the bafe, is an oblong yellow
fpot, and j.uft above each thigh a large fpo.t of the fame: the
belly and under tail coverts are red : tail cuneiformi and longer
than all the* reft of the bird; it is green for two-thirds of its
length, the reft yellow :* .legs of a bright red.
Inhabits Papua. P l a c e .
C I R Jofepb Banks isi in polfeffion o f one o f thefe birds, which j
anfwers to the above defcription; but I obferve, in his.fpeci- Var.A .
men* that the breaft inclines much to purple; and. acrofs the
belly is a band o f black, edged with green.on the upper part:
the middle, tail feathers are eleven inches *. in length; the outer
ones only three inches..
TN the Leverian Mufeum, there are likewife two further varieties. 17.
The f i r f t of thefe is as big in the body, but the tail fcarcely V a r . B.
half the length: the hind part of the. neck- blue black, and the
S feathers