
4- L IT T L E
D e scr ip t ion .
F emale.
P l a c e .
Falco Iparverius, Lin. Syft.l. p. 128. N° 20.
L ’Emerillon de la Caroline, Birif. orn. i. p. 386. 25. t. 32. f. I,
—— -------- r—.- •——---------PI. ml. 465.
Falco minor rufefcens, See. Brown s Jam. p. 471.
Little Hawk, Catejb. Car. i. t. 5. the male*
■ ■ ■ ■ 1.-----Am. ZooI.
Lev. Mu/.
*TPH E male is' o f the fize of the Merlin, but, the female is
fomewhat bigger. The bill is yellowilh: cere and irides
the fame : the head is of a blueilh afh-colour; the crown of the
head, and upper parts of the body, orange brown, tranfverfely
ilriated with black: the upper wing-coverts blueilh afh-colour,
with tranfverfe black ftrias : tail red brown, tipped with black.
The female differs from the male in lome particulars : the
head is of a blueilh alh-colour; the crown red brown : the hind
part of the head is encircled with feven black fpots, viz. three
on each fide and one behind: cheeks and throat dirty reddilh
white: hind part of the neck, the back, fcapulars, and wing-;
coverts, reddilh brown, with black tranfverfe lines: rump and
upper tail-coverts the fame, but plain: fore part of the neck,
breaft, and fides, dirty rufous white, ftriped down, the lhafts with
reddilh brown: the, prime quills blackilh, fpotted within with
reddilh brown: tail of the laft-mentioned colour, tranfverfely
ftriated with black. In both, the legs are yellow, and the claws
black. I never yet faw the female.
This bird inhabits Virginia, Carolina, St. Domingo. They
abide all the year in Carolina and Virginia.
2 M . Buffon
M. de Buffon*fays that this, bird, our Merlin, and that of St.
Domingo, or next fpecies,; are all varieties o f the Cry Gry, or
Caribbee, M. , N° 93. B.
L ’Emerillon de Sc. Domingile, Brif orn. i..p. 389. N° 2601. 32. f. 2. female*
Lev. Muf
t-pHE bill in this is yellow; the tip black: cere luteous: irides
yellow:. parts above moltly red brown, fpotted with black:
beneath dirty white,, fpotted with black: head cinereous: the
eight middle tail-feathers are chefnut,. at the ends black; the
very tips white; the two outmoft on each fide are different, the
one having fdme white, near the end, and a black fpot in it, the
laft white on the outfide,. and marked with five black fpots, ands
one of.chefnut on the inner webs: legs yellow: claws black.— This
delcription .is: o f the female..
The male differs, the fpots of black on the upper parts being,
lefs numerous than, in the female :. throat and fore part of the •
neck more inclining to red brown. Ten of the middle tail-fea-.
thers are chefnut,.with the ends black, and very tips white, as in;
the female: the outer tail-feather, on. the outfide and tip, is,
white, on the inner web chefnut, marked with a tranfverfe lpot of.
black near the end.
This.inhabits St. Domingo,.
* Hift. 4a Oif. i. p. 293.
D escriptions
Falco ■