
irides. This is faid to be called by the Englijh t( C hough butt
Sibhald is the only one who names it thus. I cannot place it
here, but as a variety of the common.
Befides the above, I find one mentioned by Schwentkfield, which
was like the common Jackdaw, except in the wings, which- were
white, and the bill crooked.
One, now in the Leverian Mufeum, was like the common ones,
in all things,, except the b ill; both mandibles,of which croffed
each other, as in the Crofsbill: and in the mufeum of .Dr. Hunter
is a bird of this fpecies, whofe plumage is of a buff-colour, but
darkeft about the head : the bill is quite pale,.but naturals and.
the fhoulders white.
Corvus Hottentottus, Lin. Syfi. i. p> 155. N° 1.
Le Choucas du Gap de bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. ii. p. 33■ P'1 f. 2-.
PI. enl. 226.
Le Choucas mouftache, Buf. oif, iii. p. 79.
C IZ E of a Blackbird : length eleven inches and a quarter. Bill
an inch and a half lone-, black, and a little bent: the feathers
about the noftrils are like black velvet: above thefe, at the
corners of the mouth, arife fome long hairs, above three inches in
length j and befides thefe, at the corners of the mouth are
others, which are much fhorter, and ftiff, like briftles: the feathers
on the head, throat, and neck, are of a fhining black green:
thofe on the upper part of the neck are narrow, and longer than
the reft, falling over the back, and waving with every motion
thereof: the reft of the plumage is greenifh black, changing to
blue in fome parts: the legs and claws are black.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope, Corvus
Corvus pyrrhocorax, bin. Syjl. i. p. 158. N° 17.
Le Choucas des Alpes, Brif. orn. ii, p. 30. N° 8. pi. z. f. Z.— Bu f. oif. iii.
p. 76. pi. 6.—PI. enl. 531;
C IZ E of a Jackdaw: length fifteen inches. Bill'like that bird,
but a little more elongated} an inch and a quarter in length,
and yellow. The bird is-wholly of-a-black colour : legs and
claws black; but in fome the legs are yellow.
Inhabits the Alps. Is not the fame bird with the Cornifh
Chough. It has a fharp, difagreeable voice. Lives on grain, and
does.much damage to the harveft. The flelh pretty good eating.
Corvus balkafius, Lin. S y f. i. p. 137. N° 11.
Le Choucas des Philippines, Br if. orn. ii. p. 3?. N? 9. pi. 2. f. I. —
P i. enl. 603,
Le BalicaiTe des Philippines, B u f. o if iii. p. 83.
g I Z E of a Blackbird : length ten inches. Bill black: plumage
black, gloffed with green : tail nearly four inches long, i and
much forked : legs and claws black.
Inhabits the Philippine Ijles, where it is called Bali-Cajjio.
Sings well. I have feen one of thefe, which came from the Cape
of Good Hope. .
Le Choucas de la Nouvelle Guinée, Bnf. oif. iii. p. 80.—PI. enl. 629.
J^ENG TH one foot: fize of a Jackdaw. Bill ftrong and
blackifh : the forehead, and all round the bill, black, which
paffes in a ftreak through the eyes, and a little behind them:
D e s c r ip t ion.
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n *
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n *