P l a c e .
D escr : p T io n .
P l a c e .
under the eye, and a little way behind, where it ends in a point:
in other things it is like the male.
Inhabits the ifle of Panay.
Le Calao de Manille, Bu f. oif. vii. p. 144.—PI. enl. &91* .
fT^HIS fpécies is but very little known. It is a very little
-*• bigger than the following fpëciés: in length twenty inches-
The bill is two inches and a half long, lefs curved than in that
fpecies, and not toothed at the edges, but fharp-edged, and more
pointed at the tip ; the upper mandible is furnifhed with a flight
prominence, which fwells out but very little: the head and neck
are white, with a call; of yellow, and waved with brown : on each
fide of the head, at the ears, is a black mark: the upper part of
the body is of a blackilh brown ; fome of the quill feathers have
whitifh edges : the under parts of the body dirty white r the tail
is of the fame colour as the wings, with this difference, that it is
croffed about the middle by a rufous band of two inches breadth.
This bird inhabits Manilla ; but the manners of it are not
Baceros nafatus, Lin. Syß. i. p. 154. N° 4.
Le Calao ä bee noir du Senegal, Brif. orn.’vt. p. 573-* I*”“*
P i. enl. 890.
Le Tock, Bu f. oif. vii. p. 141.
Crotophaga Forfchal, /««». Arab. p. 2. N°. 4.
/~|p'HIS bird is not much bigger than a Magpie, and is in length
*** twenty inches and a half. The bill is one inch thick at the
bafe, and three inches and a half in length, and bent downwards 1
1 the
D e s c r i p t io n .
the colour of it is black, except a longitudinal fpot of yellow on
each fide of the upper mandible, juft under the noftrils; the edges'
of both are dentated : the plumage on the upper part of the body
is dirty grey, the edges of the feathers whitilh: bn each fide of the
head is a dirty white ftripe, beginning at the noftrils, and palfing
oyer the eyes to the hind head : the under parts of the body are
dirty white: the upper wing coverts are of the fame colour,
fpotted with black, the middle of each feather being o f that colour
: the quills are blackifh, with dirty grey edges : the tail is
feven inches and a quarter long, and confifts of twelve feathers;
the two middle ones are dirty grey; thofe on the fides are white
half way from the bafe; the end half blackifh, with the tips
white: legs and claws black.
L e Calao a bee rouge du Senegal, B r if. orit. iv. p. 575. N° 6. t. 4.6 f. z
— PI. enl. 260.
Le Tock, Buf, oif. vii. p. 141.
TillS is the fize of the laiflr, but is half an inch fhorter. The
bill is partly the fame, but of a red colour: the head and
throat dirty white, with the lhafts of the feathers black: on the
crown is a longitudinal blackifh ftripe, reaching to the hind
head: the neck, breaft, belly, fides, thighs, under wing and tail
coverts, dirty white : the hind part of the neck, next the back,
ftriped longitudinally with blackifh down the middle o f each
feather : the back, rump, fcapulars, and upper tail coverts,
dirty grey : upper wing coverts blackifh, the middle of each
feather dirty white : the prime quills are blackifh ; the feconda-
ries grey : the tail is near feven inches long; the two middle fea-
Z-z 2 thers
V a r . A . RED-BHI.LLED
D e s c r i p t io n .
Im H nV aM M H H H uBH H