D e s c r i p t io n .
F ema l e .
J^ENGTH twelve inches. Bill pale s crown of the head, fides».
and throat, yellow: behind, the eye, juft within the yellow, is
a fpot of crimfon ; and behind this the yellow is paler- than in the
other parts : from the crown of the,head fpr.ing fix flender feathers,
forming a creft ; two of theft are near three inches-long, and
the four others ihorter: the upper parts of the body are, olive
brown; the under parts the fame, but paler : on the wing is an.
oblique bar of white, caufed by the tips of the fecond quills,,
which are of that colour: the tail the fame, pretty long, and.
cuneiform : the legs are dulky..
The. female is of the fame fize. The head; of the fame colour
with the body, but a little paler on. the fides,, and crefted as-in the
male: behind the eye is the fame crimfon fpot as in the male:
the head and body inclined to cheftnut: on the rump are flender
tranfverfe lines of grey : the tail is barred with numerous lines of
the fame; the outer feather is white on the outer web the whole
length : on the middle of the wing is an oblique bar. of white, as
in the other. Theft I met with at Sir fofefh Bunks’s, who
brought them from New Holland.
Lev. Mitf,
J^ENGTH ten inches and a half. Bill deep blue; end black:
the whole head black brown : on the upper parts of the body
the plumage is deep oMve green j each feather margined with
dulky, giving it a waved appearance:, rump deep dull crimfon,
each feather waved on the margin alfo with dulky : upper tail
coverts the fame colour as the back: the chin is dulky; the reft
of the under part of the body olive yellow, each feather margined
with dulky, as in the upper parts, but paler: quills and tail
dulky; the laft o f a cuneiform lhape, and inclining to cinereous
brown: the two middle feathers five inches in length; the outer
one three inches and a half: legs black.
Inhabits Ulietea, one of the Society IJlands in the South Seas.
White-collared Parrot, Gen. of Birds, p. 39. pi. 2.
OIZE not mentioned. Bill red : head, cheeks, and chin, blue :
neck, back, and wings, green : the neck is half furrounded
with a white collar, palling over the upper part towards the
throat: the upper part of the breaft of a fine red; the lower
yellow : belly blue : thighs yellow and blue: tail cuneated;
yellow beneath.
La Perruche duBrefil, Brif. orn. iv, p. 337. N° 61.
La Perriche couronnée d’or, Buf.oif. vi. p. 271.
Golden-crowned Parrakeet, Edw. glean, t. 235.
Ç IZ E of the Ring-Parrakeet. Bill black : a blueifli flelh-co-
loured (kin furrounds the eyes: cere of the fame colour:
irides bright orange : general colour of the plumage green ;
paleft beneath, and inclining to yellow : crown of the head
orange : throat yellowifh green, with a mixture of dull red ; fome
of the quills have blue edges; alfo there is a bar of blue on
the wing coverts : tail cuneiform, the middle feathers pretty.
K k 2 long,
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e ,
D e s c r i p t io n .