the middle and end of the upper : the edges of both mandibles
are red, and ferrated, but not deeply: the noftrils are at the
bafe of the bill, hid in the feathers: the upper part of the head
and body are greenilh black : cheeks and throat brimftone : fore
part of the neck orange, furrounded with brimftonebreaft,
upper part of the belly, the upper and under tail coverts, fine
red: thighs greenilh black.: bottom of the belly and fides
blackilh: quills and tail of a greenilh black ; the laft even at the
end : legs and clawsblack.
T .
Ramphaftos tucanus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 151. N° 5.
Le Toucan à gorge jaune duBrefil, Brif. orn. iv. p. 419, N° 5. pl. 32. f, j,
" ----- - — ■ ■ Pl. enl. 307.«
Yellow-breafted Toucan, Ed<w. p. 329.
Br. Muf Levi Mu/.
DE&cxiPTioK. ^JTlIS is two inches longer than the laft, and the bill an inch
and a quarter longer. It differs in having the cheeks, throat,
and fore part of the neck, of an orange-colour: on the breaft is a
crimfon band : the upper tail coverts brimftone, the under ones
only being crimfon. It differs too in the colour of the bill, the
bafe of which is grey, and from thence to. the end black: legs
and claws lead-colour. This defcribed from the life by Mr.
Edwards *, from one at Lord Spencer’s.
* Edwards fays, that the bill of this bird had the upper mandible green, with
three long triangular fpots of orange on each tide, and the upper ridge yellow ;
lower mandible blue, ihaded with green in the middle ; points of both red : the
upper tail coverts white.
5 Ramphaftos
t o u c a n .
RamphaHos pifcivorus *, Lin. Syfi. i. p. j j i . N°4.
Le Toucan a gorge blanche duBrefil, B r ifiv . p. 413. N° 3.
| -------------------Cayenne, appellee Tocan, P l. tnl. 262.
Xochitenacatl. fertia, Haii Syn, p. 17S. N° 6.
Toucan, or Brafilian Pie, Edw. pl. 64.
’ ■— 1—;---- ■ Bancroft Guiana, p.. 163.
T .
Ajp H I S is twenty-one inches in length,.of which the bill mea- D e s c r i p t io n ,
fores fix'inches, and is two inches thick at the bafe.' The
upper mandible is of a. pale yellow green, with lerrated edges,
along which, it is orange; the under mandible fine blue; the
points of both fine fcarlet: the irides hazel, furrounded with a
bare greenilh, yellow Ikin,: the upper part of the head, neck, back,
wings,, and tail, are black, as is the belly: fides of the head,
throat, and breaft, cream-colour; between this and the black of
the belly is a crefcent of fine red: the upper tail coverts are
white; the under pale red: the legs are light blue. This is
Edwards’s defcription, who faw it alive at Mr. Concannon’s ; and
remarks, that after death the bill faded much, and the fpace
round the eyes turned black. It was fuppofed to come from the
Spanijh Main.
Bancroft fays, that the bafe of the upper mandible is yellow,
.L Fifis, eating Toucan. Linnatus no doubt gave it this name from the authority
of old authors, and might have thought himfelf jollified fo to do, when he
had-feen one o f the fpecies feed on filh in a cage. But the fwallo’wing .of fifh in
a Hate of confinement, (hould be no proof ofthis bird’s doing fo when at large,
any more than in Parrots, who will eat both flejb and fijh when kept tame. Indeed,
there is one circumftance which may give rife to . the conjeflure, which is,
that Toucans are frequently met with near water; but it is the fruits growing in
fuch places, and not thefijh, which entice them.