
V a r . A.
D e s c r i p t io n «
each feather margined with dullifh red, between which and the
brown, on each feather, runs, aline of green: fhoulders pale blue»,
mixed with a little red : on the lower part of the back thé fe.a-
thers have a greater depth of red at the margin; and, as the feathers
approach the rump, by covering one another, appear all.
red : wing .coverts plain brown; many of the outer ones,. and the
- bend o f thé Wing, pale blue> but on the laft is a little mixture of
red; quills dufky, with deep blue edges: fecondaries the fame,
edged with red, with a line of green between, as ip the back: tail
cuneiform, feven inches long'; general colour greenilh brown ; the-
two middje feathers, green, down the fhafts;yall of them margined;
qn the,outer webs with blue, and, except the middle ones, have
the tips whjtifh: legs, dufky.
I am. indebted to Sir Jofépb Banks for this defcription, having;
a perfect fpecimen in his.pofTeffion. .
Native place uncertain.' ,
r ENGTH twelve inches. Bill lead-colour; point yellow:;
head, neck, and breaft, deep dull crimfon : the upper, parts
of the body, wings, and tail, green: the quills dufky, with blue
edges: the tail cuneiform, and four inches in length: the legs
are black.
Place uncertain. It appears to me as a variety of the laft;
perhaps the other fex.
Le petit Loti de Gueby, Son.foy. p. 174. t. 109,
Le Lori rouge & violet, Buf. oif. vi, pi 135.
Lori de G Lie by, PI. ml. 684.
* T VHIS is.faid to be half the fize of the Amazons Parrot. Bill
. and irides the colour of fire : head, throat, back, belly,, and
wing .coverts, of as, bright a fed as carmine: quills black,, with a
tranfverfe band acrofs their whole breadth : tail red brown.
Inhabits Gueby*.
Mr. Smnerat is,not fufficiently explicit in his defcription; but I
am .clear that he means thé' very fame bird now in my póffeffion;
as it anfwèrs in every'particular to his defcription. In my bird,
the length is nine inches and a half ; the fize is that of the Lory
Parrakeet. The band acrofs the wings is of the fame carmine
with the reft of the body, with the addition of a broad ring of
purple, beginning at the lower part of the neck behind;, and
palling to the breaft, where it occupies a broad fpace: there is
alfo a bed ofblackilh purple on the bèilyj the tail is cuneiform;
the outer feather an inch lhorter than the middle ones: the legs
are dufky. I mention this; fuppofing Mr. Sonnerat-s bird not
having yet come to-its full colour, Which fome Parrots do not
arrive at for two or three years. This beautiful creature I had
prefented to me, on its death, by the Right Hon. Lady Mary
Scott, who kept it alive for feveral years, during which time it was
perfectly docile;
• I fancy this is laid down in our maps by the name of a l ly , a final!
ill and between Gilolo and New Guinea.
21. 4- GUEBY
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
R e m a r k s .
F f t Perroquet