
74* i
Falco cyaneus, L in . Sy ß . i. p. 126. N° 10.
Le Lanier cendré, B r i f orn. i. p. 365. N° 17.
Le Faucon a Collier, D° i. p. 345. N° 7. the male.
L’oifeau St. Martin, B u f . o if. i. p. 212.—PL enl. 459*
Grau weiffe geyer, F r i/ch. t. 79, 80.
Blue Hawk, Edvi. 5. t. 225.
Hen Harrier, B r . Zool. N° 58. t. 28. JlÉÉp M uf.
W H E length is feventeen inches; width three feet three
inches; weight twelve ounces. The bill is black : cere and
irides yellow : edges of the eyelids the fame: general colour blue-
grey : back of the head white, fpotted with pale brown : bread:,
belly, and thighs, white; on the firft, a few fmall dulky ftreaks;
the two middle tail-feathers are grey; the outer webs of the
others are the fame, but the inner webs are white, barred with
dulky : legs yellow, long, and flender: claws black.
M. Salerne * has followed -Mr. Ray f , in fuppofing it to be the
fame bird with the Jean le Blanc, N° 17 : but this cannot be; we
halve not the laft in England; befides, the Jean le Blanc is above
two feet in length, and not much lefs in lize than the Black
O n . de Salerne, p. 33. N° 5. t R a t i Syn. p. 17. N® 5.
Falco pygargus, L in . Syjl. i. p. 126 . Na 1 i #
■ .........— - ..... Scop. ann. i. p^ 14.
Le Faucona Collier, B r if . orn. i. p. 343. N* 7. the female.
La Soubufe, B u f . o i f i. p* 215. t. 9.
------------ — PL enl. 443. the fem a le.— 480. the male.
Pygargus, R a i i . Syn. p. 17. N° A. $ .— W iU . orn. t. 7.
Ringtail, W ill. orn. p. 72.
Ringtail, B r . Zool. N° 59,
L e v . M u f.
L E N G T H one foot feven inches and an half. The bill is
pale : cere and irides yellow *: parts above dulky, beneath
palilh, with oblong rufous, and in fome, dulky fpots: under the
eyes is a whitilh fpot: from the hind head, on each lide, to the
chin, paffes a kind of wreath in a circular manner; this is made
up of ftiffer feathers than the reft, and of a lighter colour: the
rump is white : tail longilh, barred with dulky, and tipped with
white: beneath, the belly and breaft are of a yellowilh brown,
with a call: of red, marked with oblong dulky fpots, but not
always; as Mr. Pennant obferves, that he has feen one of thefe
which had the laft-named parts quite plain; the legs are long
and yellow : claws black.
Authors have never blundered more, than in making this bird
the fame fpecies with the laft mentioned. Mr. Pennant, in Br.
Zool. under that head, fays, “ This has been fuppofed to be
“ the female of the former; but, from fome late obfervations
“ j by the infallible rule of dijfettion, males have been found of
* Stofo'.i fays the orbits are whitilh.
N " this