Le Calao de Malabar, Buf. oif. vii. p. 149. pi. 8. PL enl. 873 ?
Beaks of curious Birds, Edw. pi. 281. f. D.
' J ’H E length of this lpecies is two feet fix inches: in fize a
trifle bigger than a Crow. From the angles o f the mouth to
the point o f the bill five inches: both mandibles curve downwards
the whole length, and are pointed at the ends; on the
upper is placed a gibbofity four inches and a half in length,
rounded on the top, and, reaching two thirds o f the length o f the
bill, tends to a fharp edge in front; this appendage paffes backwards
beyond the eyes, at which part it is blunt, and fomewhat
projefting ; the fore part o f it is black, which colour paffes obliquely
downwards, and backwards quite to the part where it
joins the true bill, a little part o f which is black alfo ; the bafe
and edges o f both mandibles likewile are black j and near the
bafe, between the appendage and bill, are placed the noftrils; the
colour of the middle part, as well as the bill, is o f a dirty yellow-
ilh white : the eyes furrounded with a bare Ikin, of a faded dirty
yellow : on the upper eye-lid are ten or more ftiff black briftles,
full half an inch in length : the general colour of the plumage is
black, but in fome parts the feathers incline to green on the margins
: the lower part o f the bread:, belly, vent, and thighs, are
white: the firft quill is black, pointed, and fhorter than the
others; the reft are black alfo, but the ends for an inch and a
half are white, except three or four next the body, which are
wholly bla ck: the tail confifts of ten feathers; the two middle
ones are black; the others are the fame, with the ends for an inch
and a half white : the legs are very flhort, being, from the knee to
the end-^f the middle claw, little more than four inches: the
2 inner