mis mfm J fe l Itlflf !•'' » I l f III
D i s c u m o s .
F A L C O N ,
Falco apivorus, Lin. fyft. i, p. 130. N° 28.
La Bondree, Brif orn. i. p. 410. N° 33.
E--------- |— LSuf. ‘ if. i. p. 208.— PL ml. 420.
Buteo apivorus, Ratifyn. p. 16, N,J 2.
Honey Buzzard, Will. orn. p. 72, t. 3.—Albin. i. t. 2.
-~ ■ 1 ■ — ■ 1 Br. Zool. i. N° 26.
Lev. Mu/.
*JP FI E length is twenty-three inches: weight thirty ounces.
Bill and cere black: irides golden yellow: head alh-co-
Ioured: neck, back, fcapulars, and wing-coverts, deep brown:
the chin nearly white, or very pale yellow, ilreaked with narrow
lines of brown : fore part of the neck rufous brown: brealt
and belly barred with tranfverfe regular bars of rufous brown and
white, each feather being white, with two bars upon i t : tail
of a dull brown colour, with a bar of darker brown near the
end, and another in the middle. The legs, are lhort, ftout, and
of a dull yellow : claws black.
This defcription is from a Ipecimen of my own, but whether
male or female I never knew.
In- the Br. Zoology,. the chin, brealt, and belly are white j the
two lalt marked with dulky fpots, pointing downwards; and
three dulky bars on the tail.
Linnaeus remarks, that the tail has only one cinereous band,
and the tip is white.
Brijfon obferves, that the fide tail-feathers are banded with
white on the inner webs, and are fpotted with brown.
Alim’s Ipecimen had no bars on the tail.
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I mention the above, to ihew how much thefe birds differ.
This fpecies, I believe, is not fo common in England as the
other Buzzards j at leaft, with all my attention, I never procured
but one frelh Ipecimen, from whence the above defcription was
Willughby fays that it feeds on Wafp-Maggots, as well as on Frogs
and Lizards j perhaps on th t Larva of Bees alfo, whence the name.
Falco aruginofus, Lin.fyji. p. 130. N6 29.
Le Bufard de marais, Brif. orn. i. p. 401. N° 29,
Le Bufard, Buf. oif. i. p. 218, t, 10.
--------------Pl. enl. 423 ? 424.
Schwartz-braune fifch-geyer, Frifcb. t. 77.
Milvus seruglnofus, Raii fyn. p. 17. N° A. 4,
More Buzzard, Will. orn. p. 73, t. 7.
Moor Buzzard, Br. Zool. i. N° 57, t. 27.
Lev. Muf.
^ J 'H E length of this bird is twenty-one inches: weight twenty
ounces. The bill is black : cere and irides yellow : colour
of the whole bird a chocolate brown, with a tinge of ferruginous:
the legs are long and (lender. According to Linnaus, the
throat, crown of the head, Ihoulders, and legs, are luteous.
Mr. Pennant obferves, that the luteous marks which Lim<eut
gives as charadleriftics of the fpecies, are by no means fo,
being varieties only o f the common one, which is wholly of a
fully chocolate brown, with a yellowilh ipot on the head.
Even this is by no means always the cafe, fince I have now
by me a fpecimen, which is, chocolate brown throughout, with--