
lame colour as the back, but more dull: tail even at the end, of
a greenilh black colour, tipped with redj beneath black :. legs-
and claws- black.
Inhabits Guiana and Brafil. It is named the Preacher *, from-
the noife it makes with its tongue. It feeds generally on fruits;
but it is eafily tamed, and in that ftate it will eat almoft any
thing that is. offered it -f*. One which Altin obferved in England,
feemed more fond of grapes than any other fruit; for being,
plucked off from the ftalk one by one, and tolled to it, it would;
moft dexteroully catch them in the air,, before they fell to the
ground. This author likewife obferves, that the flelh of the.-
whole body was of a deep violet-colour J.
Le Toucan à collier du Mexique, Brif. crn. iv. p, 421. N° 6.
Le Cochical, Buf. .if. vii. p. 124.
Cochitcnacatl, b'trn. Hiß. N. Hifp. p.46. ch. I, 60.
T ENGTH. eighteen inches. The bill feven inches: upper
^ mandible whi t i lhthe lower black : indes reddiih yellow ::
* The name of Preacher has been given to this bird, from its cuftom of perching
at the top of a tree, above its companions, while they are afleep, and making
a noife referobling ill-articulated founds; moving his head to the right and-
left, in order to keep off the birds of prey from feizing on the others. Ulloa’s>
Voy. Eng. edit* 8vo. vol. i.. p. 56.
t Thevety who is the firft who has mentioned this bird, fays, that it feeds on
pepper, of which it often fwallows.fo much, that it is obliged to rejeft part of it'
again; but, unluckily for this -circumftance, -it is well known that no -pepper
grows in South America, thereforeit moftbe, if any kind of pepper, that fort
known by, the name of long-pepper. Hifi.-desoif.—Mem. Gapficumsare called
p.eppers\n South America and the Weß Indies. May it not have been this kind of'
pepper ?
X- This has-been obferved in möft of the fpecies. Hiß. des.oif
;$te head, and the neck behind it, are black; at the back
part of the neck is a collar of red ; beyond this, the neck
is alfo black ; the fore part of it whitilh, with fome fpots of
red, and fome Hender lines of black : the back, wings, and tail,
are black:; the belly green: lower part of the belly, and under
■ tail coverts, red- thighs purple : legs greenilh alh : claws black.
This inhabits Mexico, near the fea-lhore, where it is fuppoled to
■ feed on filh.
Le Toucan Verd du Mexique, Brif. orn. iv. p. 423. N° 7.
Le Hochicat, Buf.oif. vii. p. 125.
Xochitenacatl, Fern. Hiji. N. Hi/p. p. 51. ch. 187.
Hi of the Brafiliati Yellow-throated Toucan. Bill almoft
four inches long; the colour of it yellow and black mixed: '
the whole of the bird is green, mixed with fome feathers of a
reddiih colour, and others of the colour of a peacock, here and
there interfperfed among the reft: legs and claws black.
Inhabits the hotter parts of Mexico, near the fea, where it is faid
to feed on filh.
Ramphaftos viridis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 150. N® 1.
Le Toucan verd de Cayenne, Brif. orn. jv . 423. N° 8. t. 33. f. 2.-—PL enl.
727, male—728, female.
Br. Muf. Lev, Muf.
r I VI 1E lize of this bird is not much bigger than that of a Black-
bird : length fourteen inches. General colour dull green
above, brimftone-coloured beneath : the bill is an inch and a
U u 2 ' quarter
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
9* 4- GREEN
T .
D e s c r i p t io n .