V ar. K.
LeFaucon d’ltalie, Brif. or*» i. p. 336.
Falco Italicus, JonJl. av. p. 19*
D escription. *JpH E bill in this is blue: the head and neck of a reddilh yellow,
marked with very narrow ferruginous lines: breaft
yellow, with fome fpots of a ferruginous colour: end o f the
wings marked with round Ipots of white: legs yellow.
Inhabits the Alps.
V ar. L.
D escription.
Le Faucon d’lflande, Brif* orn. i. p. 336.
f y j B R 1S S O N fays it is the fize of a Gojhawkj that the bill
is blueilh alh, with a black tip : the cere, irides, and legs,
luteous : claws black: that it is of the fame colour with the
Common Falcon; and it’s length is one foot and above nine
inches $ and that it inhabits Iceland j from whence it was lent to
M, Reaumur,
D escrip t ion.
Falco Iflandus, Brun* orn. lor. p. 2. N° 9.
^ O L O U R brown; on the upper parts each feather is whidfh,
fafciated with brown, and margined with white : tail brown,
fafciated with white : neck beneath white, marked with longitudinal
black Ipots : breall and belly white, marked with cor-
dated black Ipots.
Falco Iflandus, Brun. orit, lor. p. 2. N° 7*
^ pH I S is white,. marked with fmallifli cordated black fpots
oa the upper parts : tail-feathers quite white; the two middle
ones obfoletely fafciated with black.
Falco Iflandus, Brun. orn. Itr . p. 2. N° 8.- .
O L O U R white, with large cordated Ipots: the tail-feathers
white, and all of them fafciated with black.
Mr. Brunnich feems to be uncertain whether the above be
diftinft fpecies, or only varieties. In the Gentleman’s Magazine,
vol. xli. p. 297. there is a figure of the firfi: of thefe Falcons,
and a fuller account by much than that given by Mr. Brunnich;
faying, that it meafures one foot nine inches. The bill dulky:
cere yellow: the head white, faintly tinged with ruft-colour: the
lhafts of each feather dulky: the back dulky, fpotted and margined
with white: outer webs of the quill-feathers are dulky,
mottled with reddilh white; the inner webs dulky alfo, barred
with white : tail a little rounded; each feather marked with fourteen
or more bars of dulky and white; each colour oppoling the
other on different fides of the lhaft: the wings reach to the
end of the tail, excepting one inch : the neck, bread, and belly,
are white, with oblong dark fpots, pointing downwards; on the
belly the marks are dulky, and of different lhapes: the thighs
are white, tranfverfely barred with brown : the legs are yellow :
claws black; the hind one very long.
V ar. A.
D e s c r i p t io n .
V a r . B.
D e s c r i p t io n ..