'Bancroft * fays, that it is the mo ft numerous" of all Parrokeets
in Guiana; and that it is alfo found* in Terra Firma, as well as in
fome of the Caribbee IJlands.
La Perruciie de la Guiane, Brif. orn. iv. -p. 331. N° 59.. t. 28. fT i.
La Perriche Pavouane, Buf.oif.vx, p. .255. {
Perruche de la Guiane, PL enl. 407. a young bird.
■ de la Guiane, PI. enl. 167. in full.plumage
Lev. Muf.
J T is one foot in length. The bill is whitilh ; tip cinereous:
cere whitilh : parts above deep green; heneath paler : cheeks
fpotted with red: under lefier wing coverts fcarlet; the greater
.of a fine yellow : the quills beneath are dull yellow; at the margins
near the tips blackilh ; but above they' are the fame colour
as the back, and margined with yellowilh grey within : the lhafts
of all of them, except the three neareft the body, are black : tail
in length fix inches and a quarter j the two middle feathers' are
longer than the outer ones by three inches: legs grey: claws
Inhabits Guiana.
' Buffon obferves, that when young, thefe birds have not
the fides of the head and neck fpotted with red, nor do th.efe
fpots. appear till the bird is two or three years old ; but the under
w.ing coverts are red, even in the young birds, though of a paler -
colour. This is very common at Cayenne, and found in the Ca-
* He adds, that at Guiana there is a red-headed one, differing only in having
the feathers of its head diverlified with crimfon fpots. Hifi. of Guiana, p. 162.
Green - Parrots with long tails (Pfittacus articularius) are very numerous at
Suratte. 'Toreon. Voy. vol. ii. p. 200.
6 ribbee
'ribbee IJlands likewife. It is of all the Parrakeets the aptefl to
talk plain., and, though kept for a long time confined, always
Ihews a peculiar wildnefs in its nature. It is called at Guiana by
the name of Pavouane. Thefe fly in numbers, frequent favannas
and woods, and are very fond of the fruit of the tree limmortel*.
I take Sir A. Lever's fpecimen to be a (light variety. The
head in his bird is of a dufky blue, as far as the middle of the
crown: the under parts of the body incline much to olive: the
bill and legs lead-coloured : the under wing coverts crimfon, but
no yellow, as in the above-mentioned bird. This fpecimen came
from Cayenne, and is full thirteen inches in length.
La.Perruche de 1’Ifle de Lufon, Sotw er. Voy. .p. 80. t. 44.
npHIS is double the fize of the common Parrakeet, Round the
bill the feathers are of a bright green : the bill is very large,
and flefh-coloured : eyes in proportion very fmall : irides white :
the top of the head is blue: the upper parts of the body of a
grals green ; beneath of a yellowifh green : the under part of the-
tail grey green : lefier wing coverts black, bordered with yellowilh
brown 5 greater coverts black alfo, but bordered with
blue, and this again edged with yellowifh brown, forming all together
a large fpot on the wings of a beautiful appearance: the
tail feathers are longifh and cuneiform : legs blackilh.
Inhabits the illand of Luzonia.
Erytbrina coraihdondron. Linn.
H h La
V ar i s t v ,
D e s c r i p t io n ,