264 P A R R O T .
Lev. Muf
D e s c r i p t io n . C IZ E not much lefs than a Crow: length fixteen inches. The
bill is very large, hooked, and of a blue black : a round bare
alh-coloured fkin furrounds the eyes: the whole top of the head'
pale afh-colour: round the lower mandible, throat, and fore part
and fides of the neck, of a cheftnut red; the middle of the feaP
l a c e .
thers paleft: over the ears rufty yellow : the hind head and back
part of the neck deep afh-colour and pale mixed : back, wings,-
and tail, greenifh alh-colour, fomewhat gloffed with copper: the
margins of the feathers darkeft : from the breaft to the vént cheftnut
red ; the margins deepeft: the tail beneath is of the fame colour
; it is pretty-even at the end; at the tip of each feather the
lhaft ftancTs out in a point: the tips of all the feathers are
brown: legs black.
Inhabits New Zealand.
Pfittacus niger, Lin. SyJL. i. p. 145. N° 29.
Le Perruche noir de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. iv. p. 317» 53"
Le Vafa, ou Perroquet noir, Buf. oif. vi. p. 119. t. 4.
Le Perroquet noir de Madagafcar, PI. enl. 500.
Black Parrot of Madagafcar, Ednv. i. t. 5.
D e s c r i p t io n . T ENGTH thirteen inches and a half. Bill and cere of a light
flelh-colour: eyes in a bare white fkin : irides dark brown :
the whole head and body of a dufky blueifh black, except the
upper part of the wings, which is dark afh : the tail is five inches
and a half long: legs dull' flelh-colour: claws black. The
bill Js much fmaller, and the tail longer, than is ufual in this
Inhabits Madagafcar.— Mem. That defcribed by Edwards had
three or four white feathers in each wing.
Pfittacqs Mafcarinos, Lin, Mant. 1771. p. 524.
Le Paroquet Mafearit), Bnj. urn, iv. p. 313. N° 5a,
Le Mafcarin, Bn/, rif, vi. p. 120. t. 3.
Maftarin, P I. enl. 35,
Lev, Muf. a variety,
tJ 'H IS fpecies is bigger than the afh-ooloured Parrot: length
thirteen inches and a half. The bill and cere are reddiih:
the bafe of the bill is furrounded with black, for half an inch in
breadth : orbits bare, and of a light red : irides red; top of the
head, and hind part of the neck, pale alh: back, rump, fore part
of the neck, breaft, belly, fides, fcapulars, upper and under tail
and wing coverts, deep afh, as are the greater quills: tail the
feme, but the fide feathers are whitifh at the bafe; legs pale flefh*
colour: claws grey *,
Linnaus fays it inhabits Mafcarin; but Buff on derives his name
from the bird having a fort of mafk f round the bill.
# In the Levertan Mu/eum is one of thefe, with the matk in front. The
ground colour of the plumage the fame as in the above, but irregularly
fprinkled with white feathers throughout t the tail, part white, part brown, bus
not regular t fome of the quills and tail feathers being wholly white, while the
©ppofit^s, which fhould have anfwered them, were white and brown: it is a particular
and beautiful lufut nature,
f sfTareequ’il a au tour du Bee, une forte de ma'fque noir,”
M m Le
D escrij? tjon.