G e n u s X. A N I.
N° 1. LefierA.
2. Greater A.
3. Walking A.
TH I S genus has a comprefied, greatly arched, half oval,
thin bill; cultrated at top.
Noftrils round.
Tongue hat, pointed at the end.
Ten feathers in the tail.
Toes placed two and two.
!Crotophaga Ani, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 154. N° 1.
Le Bout de Petun, B r i f orn. iv. p. 177. pl» 18. f. 1.
L’Ani des Savanes, Bu f. otf. vi, p. 420.
fPetit Bout de Petun, PI. enl. 102. f. 2:.
Pfittaco congener Ani Braf. Raii Syn. p. 35. N° 10.—Ani Braf. Marcg.
id, p. 185.—Will. orn. p. 120.
Cacalototl. Raii Syn. p. 168. N° 27?
Razor-billed Blackbird, Catejb. Carol, app. pl. 3 •.
^Great Blackbird, Sloan. J am . vol. ii. p. 298» N° 1-2. pl. 256. f. 1.—*
Brown. Jam. p. 474.
Br . Muf. Beru. Mu.JI
^^BOUT the lize of a Blackbird : length thirteen inches and a
half. The bill i-s of a Angular Ihape, about an inch in
length, hooked at the end, and much comprelfed, riling to a Iharp
* .The toes are here placed three hefore and one behind.,-no dotfbt by miftake.
5 'ridge
Pl xm