
yellow : irides hazel : the back is brown : nape of the neck yel-
lowifh : belly pale, with oblong brown fpots : on each cheek is
a black mark like a crefcent, pointing downward : the vent and
thighs are ferruginous, or rather rufous *: legs yellow: claws
M. Brtflen fays the irides are yellow; but in all the fpecimens
which I have feen, they are either hazel, or dark brown, in diif-
ferent lhades.
Mr. Pennant informs us, that it breeds in England, and migrates
in October. This bird was ufed in falconry -f, but in a very
confined manner: particularly in daring of Larks, for which
purpofe the Hawk was call: off; on feeing of which, the Larks
adhered to the ground through fear, and the fowler drew his net
over them.
* Not always ; for in two fpecimens, one of which I have now by me,
'the thighs were dulfey white, longitudinally marked with brown, and the vent
of a plain white.
+ M. Brunnich informs us, that the| Gentile, Iceland Falcon, and Hobby,
are ufed in falconry about Copenhagen ; and that the falconers fupply the tail-
feathers, when worn out or broken, with others from a different bird, fattening
the new to the bafe of the old ones; by which means, it is probable, that new
Ipecies may have been created by the moft intelligent defcribers, who were not
pottelfed of the knowledge of this circumftance. Orn. tor. p. 3.
S r. Mu/.
Mu/. Lev. Muf. BREASTED
g l Z E of an Hobby: length fifteen inches. The bill is three jyESC^[p^ I0H
quarters of an inch in length, and rather flout for the fize of
the bird j it is of a lead-colour, with the bafe very pale, nearly
white: the plumage above, is of a very dark brown: the hind part
of the neck, the top of the head, and the wing-coverts, are of
one plain colour, but the reft of the upper parts are crofted with
tranfverfe interrupted narrow bars of a whitifh colour, not very
numerous: the feathers on the chin very long and narrow, al-
ssoft like hairs, and of a whitifh colour : throat orange, inclining
to brown, marked with roundifh fpots of white: breaft orange;
belly dark brown, with interrupted bars of dirty buff, which
are made up of the fpots which each feather is marked with:
thighs ferruginous, dafhed with brown on the fhafts: under tail-
coverts the fame, befides which are fbme tranfVerfe dufky bars:
the tail is of the fame colour as the b a c k th e half next the ^
bafe is crofted with narrow bars of white, much like the back;
the end half of one plain colour, or dark brown: the legs are of
a lead-colour, long and flender, like thofe of a Sparrow Hawk,
and the toes and claws ftill longer in proportion; the colour of
the laft is black: the wings reach to the middle of the tail.
The fpecimen in the Britijh Mufeum is faid to have come from
Surinam; that in the Leverian Mufeum, limply from the South
Setts, without fpecifying any place. I believe this fpecies has
not been noticed before.