f a l c o n ; s i
Br. Muf. Lev, Muf
^jpHE male is of the fize o f the Gentil Falcon: length eighteen
inches. The bill blue at the bale, and black at the tip: cere
luteous: orbits bluer irides the fame : in each noftril is a lobe
or divifion. General colour above black brown ; beneath
Ipotted with rufous: quills and tail Ipotted with grey : legs
The female is larger, mealuring in length twenty-three inches.
Cere and orbits naked and yellow : head and bread: deep brown:
throat, neck, and belly, marked with longitudinal whitilh lines;
-thighs ferruginous, marked with longitudinal black ftriar; vent
pale yellow, with ferruginous longitudinal Arise: tail brown,
tranfverfely fafciated with white: legs yellow; claws black.
Inhabits Queen Charlotte’s Bay, New Zealand. It has much the
air of a Vulture, both about the head and neck : thé feathers of
-Which laft are loofe and waving, as in fome Vultures: added to
the bird’s not being well cloathed with feathers about the eyes
and bill: however, I am allured that the manners are entirely
thofe of the Falcon genus, which will at once let afide any
further thoughts about it.
That in the Leverian Mufeum is a female, but has no apparent
bands on the tail. Dr. Porfier, who examined it with me, is of
opinion that it may be a ybung bird.
N. S.
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