Inhabits China. It is. called at Canton Sau-ta-hoang *. It is
not very common.
Ise G riv e rt, o u R o lle d e C a y e n n e , Buf. o if iii, p . 134.
L e G riv e rd , d e C a y e n n e , P I. enl. 616*
/npHIS meafures in length nine inches. The bill is pretty
ftrong, above an inch in length, of a reddilh colour, and a
very little bent towards the point: the general colour of the
plumage is a.brownilh green : over the eyes is a white ftreak: on
each fide the throat a perpendicular black ftreak:. and the chin,,
fore part of the neck, and breaft, are dirty white : the tail is cuneiform,
with the edges inclining to green : the legs are longer than,
ufual in this genus, and of a pale grey.
This inhabits Cayenne.. Thefe two laft birds do not fairly belong
to the Roller, genus; nor can they come more properly into
any other. Perhaps the manners might affift in placing them
with more propriety ; but we know them not, .being in pofleffion.
only of the.mere lpecimen, without further illuftration.
Galilean de la Noiwelle. Guinee, Buf. in f..v ii. p. 134. pi. 7.— P/. ml. 628;
J^ENGTH about thirteen inches. Bill two inches and a half
long ;. the colour of it blueilh, with the_tip dark : the head,
neck, and upper part of the back,v are black: the reft of the back,,
the rump, the upper tail coverts, the breaft,,belly, and vent,,
white, but fomewhat inclining to blue on the breaft: wing co-
* Orti. de.Salertte, p, 100.
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t i o n .
R l a c e .
D e s C.r i p t i o n .