
9* F A L C O N .
V ar . A. Le Faucon de Montagne cendree, Brif orn. i. p. 355.
ASH-COLOUR- Falco montanus fecundus Aldrovandi. Will. ora. t. g.
„ ' T 1 H I S is in length one foot nine inches. The bill is black : D escription. JL . . ■
iris yellow: general colour cinereous ; paleft on the wing*
coverts : beneath white as fnow : legs luteous.
„ 79' .
Falco tinnqnculus* Lin. Byjt. p. 127. N° 17.
- — ........... Scop. Ann. i. p. 16.
La CrelTerelle, Brif. orn* i. p. 393. N° 27.
— -Buf. oif i. p. 280. t. 18.— PI. enl. 401*47*.
Tinnunculus, feu Cenchris* Raii Syn. p. 16. N° 16.
Rothe-falck, & Rothel-geyer, Frifch. t. 84, 85.
Keftrel, Stanne . or Windhover, Will. orn. p. 84. t. 5.
Keftrcl, Br. Zool, N° 60, '
iBn Muf Lev, Muf
D escrip t ion,
' 1 ' H E male and female differ much in this fpecies : the firft
weighs fix ounces and a half. The cere is yellow : irides-
dark-coloured: crown of the head, and the tail, of a fine light
grey; the lower end of the lafl marked with a broad black bar :
the back and wing-coverts are of a rufous brick-colour, fpotted
with black; beneath of a pale ferruginous colour, Ipotted with
black alfo : thighs and vent plain,,
F emale. The female weighs eleven ounces, Colour of the back and
wings more pale and dulky than in the male, croffed with numerous
tranfverfe lines of black : the head is pale red brown,
ftreaked with black: tail the fame, croffed with numerous black
bars ; near the end. it has the fame black bar as in the male ;
the end of both is very pale at the tip.
This, efpecially the male, is a very beautiful fpecies : it
feeds on mice, fmall birds, and infects. This is the bird that
we fo often fee in air hovering it’s wings,, and, as it were, fixed
<to one fpot for fome length of fpace. At this time it may be
fuppofed watching, it’s prey, which, when the eye has fixed
once upon, it darts to the earth with rapidity, in order to fecure
it.— This was once ufed in falconry, for fmall birds and young
M anners.
L ’Epervier-des Alouettes, Brif. ontt i. p. 379. N° 22*
Maufe-falck, Frifck. t. 8&.
M. DE BUFFON* fuppofes this not to be different from the
female Keftril, as will- appear from reading the defcription
in Brifforij as.well as; comparing the figure in Frifch, above referred
S. G. Gmelin -j- mentions a variety of the Keftril which is grey,
with the fhafts of the feathers black.
V ar. A.
D escription.
79* „
V ar. B.
Le Faucon pêcheur de Senegal, ou Le Tanas, Buf. oif. i. p. 375.—Bl. «7.478.
Eaucon pefcheur, Damp. Voy. vol. iii. Fr. edit. p. 318.
'T 'H IS is rather lefs than the Falcon,,but has fome refemblance D escription.
to it. The bill and irides are yellow : the whole head ferruginous
: parts above cinereous ; the edges of the feathers fer-
Oif. vol. i. p. 283..
{- Boy, vol. i. p. 49. t