claws black: the tail is nine inches in length, the colour white
and brown‘mixed j but whether it is forked or no, is not mentioned.
Some of thefe birds have a white breaft and belly.
This Ipecies inhabits Brajil, and is a great enerhy to poultry.
Falco gentilis, Lin. Syf. i* p. 126. N° 13.
----- - Scop, Ann. i. p. 15.
Le Faucon gentil, Brif. orn. i. p. 339. N° 5.
Falco gentilis, /. r.'nobilis di&us, Rati Syn. p. 13. N® 5*
Falcon gentle, Will. orn. p. 79.— Albin. ii. t. 6.
GentilFalcon, Br. Zool. N° 50. t. 21,22.— Am. Zool. N®
Lev. Mu/.
D esgliption. J F we compare the fize of this bird with that of a Golhawk,
it will be found to exceed it. The bill is ’lead-colour : cere
yellow: irides bright yellow: head inclining to ferruginous,
with oblong black fpots: the upper part of the body and the
wings are brown; each feather of the laft tipped with ferruginous
: the quills are dulky, barred on the outer webs with black;
the lower parts of the inner webs marked with white' wings
reach to the middle of the tail : the tail itfelf banded * with
black and cinereous alternate, and tipped with white: legs
Ihort and yellow: claws black.
M . de Buffon -j- is of opinion, that this bird is the fartie with
the common Falcon, or next Ipecies, and called Gentil when
in full feather.— It is certain that they differ much in dif-
* Scopoli fays, the bands are four in number.
+ Buf. ojf. vol. i. p. 258.
ferent periods of life; as may be feen in the two plates in
Britijh Zoology, above quoted.
The following lift of Falcons will appear numerous, and are
by fome accounted varieties only. — This circumftance I can
by no means afcertain; and will therefore follow Brifloris catalogue
of them, leaving the reader to judge for himfelf.
I.e Faucon, Brif. orn. i. p. 321. N°4.
-------------- Bnf. oif. i. p. 24g.
Schwartz braune Falcfc, Frifcb. t. 74.
* T H E common fize is that of a middling Hen : the length D e s c u f t io k .
about eighteen inches. The general colour brown : the feathers
with rufous edges: tail brown, tranfverfely banded with
deeper brown.
From this are faid to fpring the following varieties :
Le Faucon fors, Brijf. orn. i, p. 324.
— ~ ----------- Buf ' "'/• i. t. i j .—PI. ml. 470.
T P ^ ^ ^ inclines to alh-colour, and is the young of the
V ar. Ai
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