322 P A R R O T .
La petite Perruche huppée du Mexique, Brif. iv. p. 405, N° 95.
Avis de cocho, Pfittaci ipecies, Mexicans vario colore, Seia, i, p. 94.
t. 59. f. 2.-a bad figure.
D e s c r i p t io n . g I Z E of the laft : length feven inches. Bill yellow : forehead
purple and crefted : orbits blue : throat yellow : neck red :
hind part of the head, back, riimp, fcapulars, breaft, belly, fides,
and upper and under tail coverts, deep green : thighs light blue :
wing coverts of an elegant light purple : quills green with white
edges : tail of a fine deep red : legs and claws grey alh.
P l a c e . Inhabits Mexico,
G e n u s
t 32J ]
Genus VI. T O U C A N .
N° 1. The Toco. N° 8. Pavonine T.
2. Yellow-throated Tou9.
Green T .
can. 10. Aracari T .
3. -------- - breafted T. I I . Piperine T .
4. BrafiJianT. 12. Black-billed T .
5. Red-beaked T . 13. Blue T.
6. Preacher T. 14. Blue-throated T.
7. Collared T. 15. White T .
THE bill in this genus is difproportionably large, convex,
carinated on the top, and bending at the end j hollow,
very light, and ferrated * at the edges : noftrils fmall and round,
placed clofe to the head, and in many fpecies quite hid in the
- Tongue long and narrow, feathered on the edges.
Toes placed two forwards, two backwards.
None of this genus have been found, except in South America,
and within the tropics only, being very impatient of cold. Their
food, in their natural Hate, conflits of fruits only, and efpecially
* Thefe ferratures do not correfpond in the two mandibles, nor are they fimi-
Iar on the oppofite fides of the fame mandible ; the whole is unequal and irregular,
contrary to the reft of the productions of nature in general ; nor is the ufe of
thefe ferrated edges manifeft, being placed diredtly oppofite to the intention of retaining
whatever is meant to be held in the bill.
T t 2 fond