
Pfittacus-lewrus, Lia. SyJ}, i. p. 140. N°6.
------ -------- Scop, Ann. i. p. 27. N° 23.
Jj’Ara verd-du Brefil, Brif. orn. iv* p. 198. N° 6.
L ’Ara verd & rouge du Brefil, Brif orn. iv. p. 202. N^y.
L ’Ara'vert, Buf. cif. vi. p. 194. t. 8.
L ’Ara verd du Brefil, PI, cnl. 383.
Mar a can â -----------, Will. orn. 112. N° 5. 6.
Brafilian green Maccaw, Ed<w. t. 229.
Description. ^T 'H IS bird is equal to the grey Parrot in lize : in length one
foot five inches. The bill is black ; and it has a bare white
fkin on the cheeks, marked with fome lines of black, in which the
eyes are placed : hides of a golden yellow : the general colour of
the plumage is green : the forehead cheftnut purple ; at the lower
jaw a ftripe of the fame * : crown blue, which colour blends itfelf
by degrees with the green, as it pafles backwards : on the lower
part of the thighs the feathers are red : edge of the wing crim-
fon : fome of the. wing coverts and quills are blue, and the outer
edge of the lad black : tail above green ; near the ends blue ;
beneath of a dull red: legs brown: claws black.
I believe this bird' to be the fame with the fmall Maccaw of
Sloane j , as well as both the green Maccaws of Brijfon ; the difference
confiding, by his defcription, merely in having the forehead
brown, the crown a blue green, and the green colour
darker than in the other.
P lace. Both of them are common at Jamaica, Guiana, and Braftl.
* This is not exprefied in the Planches enluminées ; nor is there any red on the
lower part of the thighs.
f Which he fays are common in the woods, and eaten as Pigeons ; but when
young are tamed and kept as Parrots. Sloune-Jam, vol. ii. p. 297. N° 6.
Pfittacus eupatria, Lin, Syjl. i. p. 140. N° 7.
La Perruche de Gingi, Sri/, cris. iv. p. 343. t. 29. f. 1 — PI. enl. 239.
La grande Perruche à ailes rougeâtres, Btf. cif. vi. p. 136.
' J ’HIS bird meafures twenty-one inches in length. The bill is
crimfon : round the eyes is a naked reddifh (kin : the
plumage above is of a deep olive green, and beneath of a pale
green, with a mixture of yellow: throat and fore part of the
neck inclining to afh : wing coverts neareft the body of a dull
red; the others green: quills green, edged with black : tail thirteen
inches in length ; the two middle feathers nine ■ inches and
three quarters longer than the two outer ones ; the colour green,
with brown lhafts : wings, when clofed, reach one-third of the
length of the tail : legs reddilh : claws black.
Inhabits the kingdom of Gingi in the Eaft Indies.
I believe this bird not to be common : I never faw but one,
which, after living many years in the houfe of a friend, at laft
died, and fell into my pofieffion.
Pfittacus Japonicus, Lin.SyJl.i, p. 141, N° 8.1
La Perruche du Japon, Sri/, orn. iv. p. 362.
La Perruche verte & rouge, Buf. cif. vi. p. 139.
Pfite. erythrochlorus macrour. Japon. Aldrov. Rati Syn. p. 34. N° 3.
Red and yellow, or pale green Parrot of Aldrovandus, Will. orn. p. 116,
feet, 2.
IN fize this is equal to the common green Parrakeet: the tail itfelf
is longer than the whole body, and much cuneated. The bill is
red: iridesthe fame: plumage above green: fcapulars blue: on each
E e fide
D e s c r i p t io n *
P l a c e .
i i .
D escription