
lo o F A L C O N .
darker colour; and the brown on the back more inclining to
dove-colour. Both fexes are palifh over the eyes : the bill in
both is blue, and the cere yellow.
This bird is the dread q f the inhabitants o f the farm-yard ;
making great havock among the young o f poultry o f all kinds,
as well as Pigeons ; alfo Partridges. It is a bold bird, well
known, and will commit it’s depredations in the moft daring
manner, even before one’s face.
V ar. A.
D escription.
L ’Epervier tacheté, Brif. orn. i. p. 314.
rT , H I S is brown above, with a few fpots o f white: beneath,
much the fame as above, appearing as it were fcaly : under
part o f the wings and tail have broad bands o f white, and narrow
ones o f brown, alternate : the tail above is like that o f the laft
fpecies, as are the bill, irides, cere, and legs.
V ar. B.
^JpHIS, as well as the laft, is, no doubt, a mere variety, and
a moft beautiful fpecimen, being now in the poffeflion of
Captain Davies*. The plumage is wholly o f a milk-white colour,
* In this gentleman’s elegant collection will be found many fcarce fpeci-
jnens, efpecially from North America, which he has been at the pains to colled
and arrange himfelf. His friends too are obliged to him for the free
communication of every knowledge or obfervation in Natural Hiftory in his
5 without
up 1I
1 '
' 1 1 f a l c o n . IOI ill Pi without the leaft appearance o f any bands, or other markings. m&SL
It was Ihot in Dorfetjhire, near which place others have been j i f
feen o f the fame colour. ’J »
I 86. +- PIGEON 1 1 ; < «
Falco columbarius, Lin. fyji. . p. 128. N° 21.
H. L ’Epervier de la Caroline, Brif. orn. i. p. 378. N° 21. III 1
L ’Epervier des Pigeons, Buf. oif. i. p. 238.
Pigeon Hawk, Catefb. Car. i. p. 3. t. 3.
—---------—Am. Zaol. N°
1 3 f t j
Leiv, Muf. . i il
■ I l ■ 1M
H E length o f this bird is ten inches and a half; breadth
_ twenty-two inches and a half; weight fix ounces and a half.
Description* m
The bill is whitilh, with a black tip : irides and cere luteous: the
head, hind part of the neck, back, rump, wing and tail-coverts,
are brown: throat, fore part o f the neck, breaft, belly, Tides, d if
and under tail-coverts, yellowifh white, ftreaked with brown : tail
brown, with four narrow darker bands: the legs are yellow: 1 ' '
claws black.
Catejby adds, that the thigh-feathers reach within half an inch
■ o f the claws. This inhabits Carolina and other parts o f North America. A t Place; Ml : l i
Hudfon’s Bay it is called the Small Bird Hawk. It is there mi- Manners* Iff I9 gratory, arriving in A.lay, and retiring in Autumn : it feeds on ; 1|L § )»i s *
fmall birds; flies in circles; and makes an hideous ihrieking !? 1 % .
noife at the approach o f any one. #111] K
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m m
1 1
Falco In K
T ‘B i I
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