verts black and white mixed : fome of the fecondaries black, Tome
white: the outer edge of the wing, and the greater quills, wholly
black: the tail rs five inches long, even at the end, and black;
all but the two middle feathers tipped with white : the legs are
dead-colour : the claws ftout-, Ihatp, and black. *
Notwithftanding it is faid in the PL enl. to have come from
New Guinea-, Buffon, to whom we are in d e b ted ft# this defcription,
does not Teem fare of the faft; and in courfe the manners muft
be unknown. It feems to me of a genus.not well defined : if we
are guided by the plate in Buffon’s work *, we may moil: likely
think with him, that it hangs between the genera of Oriole and
toucan-, but on turning to the PL enl. the figure of it bears a
much greater affinity to the Roller genus ; in which we have ventured
to place i t ; having this in our view, that the plates in this
laft-mentioned work are in general much more to be depended
mil, than thole of the former.
d e r o lf, tvol. vii. pl.,y.
C t N S 8