D e s c r i p t io n .
fide of the head are two blue fpots; one before, the other behind the
eyes: throat ferruginous red j from this part the feathers are red,
and the tips marked with longitudinal black lines : the wing coverts
have white lhafts : the two fir 11 of the prime quills are green;
the others of a deep blue, and all of them have the .lhafts white *
the two middle tail feathers are green, with white fhafts ; the
others red,' with the lhafts black: legs and claws of a fine
Said to inhabit Japan. Mr. Willughby fufpe&s this to be fictitious,
as Aldrmiandus drew his defcription merely from a painting
fent out of Japan.
Pfittacus Amboineniir, Lin. Syft. !. p. 14-1 • 9*
Le Perruche rouge d’Amboine, Brif. orn. iv. p. 378. t, 28. F. 2.
Le Lori Perruche tricolor, Buf. oif. vi. p. 138,
Perruche rouge d’Amboine, PI. enl. 240.
A Little bigger than a Turtle : length fifteen inches and a half
The bill is red, with a black .tip : head, throat, neck, and
under parts, fine fcarlet; back, rump, upper tail, lefier under
wing coverts, and the edge of the wing, fine blue: under tail
coverts violet in the middle, furrounded with red : all the quills
are blackilh beneath, but the greater ones above are deep green
on the outer edges and tips, and the inner fide blackilh : the two
middle tail feathers are nine inches and a half in length, and of a
violet brown; the reft fhorten by degrees, and are of the fame colour
on the outer edge only, the inner being blackilh; the two
outmoft on each fide have alfo. the inner margin edged with red;
thefe are fhorter by four inches than thofe of the middle: legs
and claws red.
Inhabits Amboina.
Pfittacus cyanocephalus, Lin. Syß. i. p. 141. N” 10.
La Perruche a tête blue, Brif. orn. iv. p. 359. t. 19. f. 2.
I...................... ........ ........ Buf. oif. vi. p. 145.
Perruche a tête blue des Indes orientales, PI. enl. 192.
Ç IZ E of a common Parrakeet : length eleven inches and a half.
The upper mandible is yellow, with a pale ath-coloured tip ;
the lower of a plain afh-eolour : eyes in a naked yellowifh fkin :
above, the plumage is green ; beneath, yellow green : the forehead
inclining to red : the head itfelf is blue : throat violet, inclining
to afh : fides of thé neck luteous : hind part of the neck,
back, and fcapulars, green : the lower part of the back, rump,
and upper tail coverts, of a fhining green : fore part of the neck
yellow green, lightening into yellow at the fides : from the breaft
to the tail greenifh yellow: wing-coverts green: quills green
above, the inner webs and tips deep afh ; beneath cinereous ;
fhafts black, except that o f the firft feather, which is whitifh :
the two middle tail feathers are greenifh, verging to blue at the
ends ; the next the fame, but yellow within ; and the four outer
ones on each fide green on the outer webs, luteous on the inner;
the webs above black, beneath white; all but the two middle
ones tipped with yellow, and the whole tail yellowifh afh-colour
beneath ; the two middle feathers exceed the outer ones by near
four inches : legs blueifh : claws grey.
Inhabits the Eafl Indies,
P l a c e .
_ *3- J
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
E 5 2 Pfittacus