P l a c e .
88. V a r . A.
D e s c r i p t io n .
■ the bead blue, with a" few red fpots.: cheeks, throat, and fore
part of the neckffine fcarlet: belly green, with a mixture of red,
and in fame ferruginous: greater quills blue, beneath blackifh :
the two middle tail feathers green; the three next on each fide
red for three parts, of the way from the bafe, the ends green ;
the outfide ones the fame, but blueifh on the outfides: legs and
claws deep brown. Edwards fays, that in lb me the ridge of the
wing is red, and in others not.
Inhabits Martinico, and other parts.
Le Perroquet à Gorge rouge .de la Martinique, Sri/, vrn. iv. p. 244* N® 27*
L ’Amazone à tête blanche, Bu/, oi/. vi. p. 212. var.
Perroquet delà Martinique, enl. 549.
Pfittacus leucocephalus Aidrov. Raii Syn. p. 31. N° 5. p. 181. N° 7.
White-headed,Parrot of Aldrovandus, Will. orn. p.113. N°5-
Lev. Mu/.
J ENGTH twelve inches, and a half. Bill and cere flefh-
colour : the bare fpace round the eye white; irides hazel :
forehead, to the middle of the crown, white : throat, and fore
part of the neck, pale red ; the feathers margined with white :
hind head'and upper parts of the body, the breaft, and fides, are
green; each feather margined with black brown or black : belly
dull purple : thighs.on the infide the fame, but On the outfide
green : greater wing coverts fat-theft- from the body blue, the
inner webs black at the bafe : greater quills blue, the inner
webs black ; the lefler green : the two middle tail feathers green ;
the next on each fide green on the outfide, and yellow within ; the
four outer ones on the infide, half way from the bafe, red, then
yellow, with a greenilh yellow end ; the outfide green,with the
tips on both fides blue: legs flelh-coloured : claws grey.
Inhabits Martinico, Jamaica, Mexico.
By mixing his references, Linnaws means to rank the two laft
as one. They are certainly varieties of each other at leaft, and as
fuch I have placed them. This laft wants the blue on the
crown : the belly is darker i and the tail differs in colour,
Lev. Muf.
j^ E N G TH ten inches and a half. Bill pale yellow: cere and
orbits cinereous: forehead to the middle of the crown white;
the reft of the head above pale blue; on each fide of the head,
between the eye and bill, a fpot of red : the plumage in general
a full green; the margins of the feathers brown black; but on
the throat and belly not margined, and of a lighter green : the
baftard wing, and the middle part of one or more of the fecond
quills, are red; greater quills blue ; fome of the outer ones green
on the outer edges, the ends black: the tail is rounded; the two
middle feathers dark green; bafe of the tail crimfon; the reft
green; darkeft on the edges 5 the lhafts cheftnut.
Le Perroquet à tête bleue de la Martinique, Sri/, or», iv. p. L t . N® 29.
Le Papegai à ventre pourpre, Bu/, oi/, vi. p. 242.
------■ de la Martinique, PI. enl. 548.
g I Z E of a Pigeon : length eleven inches and a half. Bill and
cere white : orbits the fame : general colour green : moft of
the feathers margined with black : forehead white : top of the
head blue.afh : belly red and green mixed: thighs blue green :
bend of the wing white : baftard w-ing, and feathers adjacent,
O a blue :
P lace.
88. V a r . B.
D e s c r i p t io n .
V a r . C*