
yellow: crown and cheeks of a deep yellow: from the bafe of the
bill, to above the eyes on each fide, is a ftripe of blue: on the
throat the feathers are yellow, with pale blue tips: hind part of
the head and neck green, edged with black, and a mixture of
blue: ridge of the wing orange: quills not much unlike thofe of
the laft but one, as is the tail; or at leaft, the difference not worth
mentioning; the feathers have likewife black lhafts : under tail
* coverts yellowifh: legs hoary : claws black.
P l a c e . Inhabit Amazons Country and Brajil.'
One at Sir A. Lever’s anfwers to this defcription: The two
middle tail feathers are green, growing paler towards the ends,
where they are almoft yellow: the others have the bafe red,
then green, verging to yellow at the ends; and all of thefe, except
the. outer ones, have a red fpot between the green and the yellow,
about the middle of each feather: the outer feather has the outer
edge orange the whole length.
Lens. Mu/.
D e s c r i p t io n . T ENGTH eleven inches. Bill dufky, tip black: the crown
^ of the head, taking in the eye on each fide, is of a light blue:
from the bill to the eye, on each fide, and the chin, yellow: body
in general, and wings, green: the feathers on the upper parts have
brown edges : the fhoulders are tinged with yellow: on the greater
coverts is a patch of orange": the greater quills are dufky : belly
and vent of a very pale green: the tail green; but fome of the
feathers are red within, at the bafe: legs dufky.
P l a c e . Said to come from South America.
Le Perroquet Amazone à gorge jaune, Brif. ont. iv. p. 287. N° 38.
Le Crik à tête & à gorge jaune, Buf. oif vi. p. 222.
Yellow-headed Creature *, Batter. Guian. p. ira,
PARROT. J yENGTH thirteen inches. Bill whitifh: cere hoary: orbits D e s c r i p t io n .
naked, whitifh: irides yellow: general colour green: the
feathers on the hind part of the neck and the back have black
margins; the forehead whitifh afh: top of the head, cheeks,
throat, and fore part of the neck, yellow: hind head yellow
green : thighs and ridge,of the wing yellow: lefier wingcoverts
next the body red, with yellow edges; thofe fartheft from the
body'quite yellow; reft of the coverts green: greater quills
black, fome with blue and green edges; four of the middle ones
red at the bafe within, for three-fourths of their length : the four
middle tail feathers green, near the end yellowifh ; the three next
red half way from the bafe, the reft yellow green, with a deep
green fpot between the two colours; all of them margined with
yellow green outwardly; the two outfide ones the fame, but the
outer edges blue: legs hoary: claws cinereous.
- Found with the laft; as alfo in Guiana, according to Bancroft. Place.
Buffon obferves much on the fenfibility of this fpecies; of which
# It may be wondered why the name Creature Ihould be applied to a Parrot;
but Mr. Bancroft thus explains i t : Parrots, fays he, are diilinguiihed by two
names, mi. Parrots properly fo called, and thofe termed ‘Creatures: the firft are
fuch as are docile,- and will learn to talk; the fecond refemble the former in every
particular, except that they have lefs docility, and have a habit of nodding when
any attempt is made to handle them; a cuftom of which they never can be di-
vefted, though they are often taught to fpeak very diftindtly.
P p he