La Pie blanche, B r if. oriu ii- p* 39. A- pi. 3. £ 1,
' r HIS is a mere variety of the laft,, differing only in colour,,
being wholly of a pure white..
Gorvus cyan us, Fallas tram. vol. i. p. 694. N® 7.
Description. g lZ E of the Reck Skrike, with which it agrees in the Toole texture
of its feathers. The top of the head,, as far as the nape,,
is of a Ihining gloffy deep black: body afh-colour, paleft beneath
: wings and tail o f a molt beautiful blue; the laft very
long, the feathers fhortening by degrees,, like thofe of a Magpie,,
and white at the tips.
? L A C1 AND
Inhabits Dauria, where it arrives in flocks in A p r il; and has the'
manners of the Magpie, building its neft after the fame manner.
It is a very timorous bird, and withall a. crafty, noify,. clamorous,
Giffvas afer, him Syjl* i. p. 157i N°'i2*
- ■ Senegalenfis, Lin. Syjl.\. p. 157. N°‘i4»
La Pie du Senegal, Br if. o r n .i i. p. 40,. N° z, pi. 3. £*2v— B u f.o if. uSL
p. 97.—FI. enl. 538.
B 5S C R I-'B-T 10 N-. J^ENGTH- fourteen- inchest flze of'our Magpie. Bilinear an>
inch and a. half long,, and black :- general, colour of the
plumage violet black above, and dulky black beneath : the quilft-
and tail feathers.are brown,, with violet black, edges.: the tail cu-
a* neated,.
treated, fhorter than lin our Magpie, the outer feather only four
inches in length : legs.black.
. Inhabits Senegal.
Le Rollier des Antilles, Sri/, orn. ii, p. 8. N® 6y
La Pie des Antilles, Buf. oif. iii, p. ioi. 129»
Pica Perfica Aldrov. Rail Sjn. p. 4. N° 6?
—- ■ Antillarum, - • ■ ■- ■•p. 152.
g lZ E of a Magpie. The bill is red : the head and neck blue;
■ the laft furrounded with a white collar: from the top .of the
head, beginning at the bafe of the bill, and palling behind the
■ neck quite to the back, is.a white mark, one inch in breadth, and
three in length, tranfverfely barred with black: the back and.fca-
pulars are ferruginous’, rump and upper tail coverts yellow- under
parts of the body white: the Idler coverts of the wings
cheftnut; .the middle ones green, with deeper edges : the greater
coverts blue, with whitilh edges and lhafts: quills blue green :
the tail is long and cuneated; the two middle feathers longer
than thofe of the outlide by eight or ten inches; the colour
blue, ftriated with white : the legs are red.
The female differs, in wanting the tranfverfe ftripes on the
white mark at the back part of the head; .and having the wing
coverts green, where they are blue in the male.
It is faid to inhabit the Antilles, and to be common about the
rivers of Guadabupe. This is defcribed from du Tertre * . That
o f Aldrovandus, which he defcribes from a painting, had a whitilh
Hifl.Aes Antilles, ii, p, 258. fig. in p. 246, N° 6.