D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
D escrip tion.
Le Rollier d’Abyflinie, B u / .p / , i;i, p, 143.,
( ■ . —,r: ■ . .—— ri. ealyfilS. . ... ,
'T HE bill of this bird is black', and' the tip of the upper mandible'much
bent : the hide's ‘of the head,, from the iloftrils to
a little beyond the eyes, are white ; 'the reft o f’tlie head, neck, and
tinder parts of the bod'y^ of a fine green : the wing coverts are of
the fame colour, blit the (Mulders' are of a fine deep blue; the
greater quills are of this laft colour: the back and fecond' quills
are orange brown : the rump of a deep blue : the two middle tail
feathers are dulky, with a glofs of blue, efpecially down the "middle;
the outer feathers blue green; the outmoft feather five
inches longer than any of the others, and, as far as it' exceeds' them
in length, of a fine deep blue': the legs red brpwri. The colours
of this bird are remarkably brilliant.
Inhabits AbyJJinia,
Rollier du Sénégal, Su/. oif. iii. p. 143.— PI. enh 326,
Swallow-tailed Indian Roller, Edw. glean. 327.
whole lpace round the bafe of the bill, as far as the eyes, or
what may be termed the face, white: the head, and under parts
of the body, the upper parts o f the'wings, and tail, blueilh fea-
green: the fhoulders and quills, as in the laft, of a deep blue;
and the outer tail feathers as long as in that bird: the hind part
of the neck and the back of a reddilh brown : the legs of a red-
difh flefh-colour.
This is the defcription of Edwards’s bird, which came from P l a c e .
’Ceylon ; and anfwers likewife to that figured in the Planches enluminées,
faid to come from Senegal.
This is, moft likely, a variety of the laft-defcribed.
Coraciis caudate, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 160. N° 6.
t e Rollier d’A'ngola, Sri/, urn. ii. p. 72. t. 7. f. -j. LONG-TAILED
1 " 1 B i / . oif. iii. p . 144,— p i , fu l. SB. R '
of a Jay. length fifteen inches and a half. The bill is an D escri p t io n .
inch and a half long, and of a blackilh colour : the hind parts
of the head and neck are green : upper parts of the back and
fcapulars fulvous glofifed with green: the lower part of the back;
rump, and wing coverts, fine blue: the upper tail coverts blue
green: the throat, fore part of the neck, and breaft, violet; but the
feathers on the two firft have a whitilh ftreak down the lhaft: the
belly, fides, thighs, under tail and wing coverts, fea green:
quills the fame for half their length ; the end half, deep .blue on
the outer webs; the lhafts and inner webs black: the two middle
feathers of the tail, are deep green; the reft of the feathers
blue green..; the outer ones on each fide of twice the length of the
others, and the par-t which exceeds deep blue; the lhafts of all
•black : the legs are grey ; and the claws.blackilh.
This inhabits Angola.
' Cotecias