V a.r. B.
h a g g a r d
Le Faucon haggard, ou Boffu, Brif* orn. i. p. 324.
— -------------------— ----- — Buf. oif, i. t. 16.— PI, enl. 471..
Falco gibbofus, Raii Syn. p. 14. N° 6,
Haggard Falcon, Will, em, p. 80.
H I S receives the above name when it is grown old, and
draws it’s head into the Ihoulders, looking as it were humpbacked
( bojfu).
V a r . C.
D i s c r e t io n .
Le Faucon a tête blanche, Brif, orn, i. p, 325.
Rauh-fufs-geyer ; Gelb-braune geyer, Frifcb, t. 75.
' p H I S variety has the head white, fpotted with fmall brown
lpots. The bill is alh-coloured : cere pale yellow : iris the
fame : back and wing-coverts Ipotted with brown, rufous, -grey,
and whitilh, indifcriminate : under parts grey, with brown lpots ;
each fpot encircled with rufous feet feathered to the toes : legs
yellow : claws black.
V ar. D.
Le Faucon blanc, Brif. orn. i. p. 326.
Falco albus, Raii Syn. p. 14. N° 7.
Weiffe-Falck, Weifle-geyer, Frifcb. t. 80.
White Falcon, Will. orn. p. 80. N° 7.
Description. r j ’ H E body of this is white, covered with minute lpots ot
yellow ; but thefe are fcarcely vifible, except on a clofe in-
One o f thefe in M. Aubrey’s collection was quite white, except
a few brown fpots on the back and wings. — Tails of both
barred with brown.
I have feen a drawing of a white Falcon from China, of a
cream-coloured white above.; beneath, quite white ; both above
and below marked with (lender longitudinal ftreaks of brown ;
but on the thighs very pale, and a little curved in lhape: the
under part of the tail quite plain ; the upper part not vifible in
the figure.
I was furnifhed with this defcription, among others, from
fome fine drawings of birds in the poffelfion of Captain Broadley,
who brought them from China.
Le Faucon noir, Brif. ora. i. p. 3 27.
Le Faucon paffager, Buf. oif. i. p. 263,— PI. eal. 469.
Tlatli; Falco columbarius Nelbi diflus, Rail Sjn. p. 161
Schwartz braune habigt, Frifcb. t. 83.
Black Hawk, or Falcon, Ednu. i. t. 4.
DulkyFalcon, Amtr. Zool. N°
H I S has a lead-coloured bill and cere: irides yellowilh: Description.
above the feathers are of a deep brown ; thole on the upper
part of the neck, the wing-coverts, and rump, have white
edges : on each fide of the head is a black mark, from the corner
of the mouth, bending downwards, like a muftachoe; about
which the parts .are of a dirty white : the under parts are brown-
ilh ; each feather tipped with black: wing-coverts black, fpotted
with white: edge of the wing white : quills and tail blackilh,
banded beneath with brown: legs lead-colour; under the toes
reddilh: claws black.
K 2
. 49- V ar. E.
- Bl a c k
f .