P l a c e »
F A R R O T .
is a black or dufky fpot: back, belly, thighs, and wings, fine
green : wing coverts yellow green, inclining to gold-colour:
inner coverts greenifh: under tail coverts fine fcarlet: the two
middle tail feathers green; thofe on the fides are the fame, but
gradually become more and more blue as they advance outwards :
legs grey.
This is found at Guiana, where it is not plenty, or elfe little
fought after, as it will not learn to talk.
M. Brijfon confounds this with the blue-faced green Parrakeet
in his fynonyms, though he defcribes this bird.
iog _ Le Papegai violet, Buf. oif. vi. p. 244.
LITTLE DUSKY Perroquet varie de Cayenne, PI. enl. 408.
PARROT. Perroquet violet, Barrer.Fr. equin. p. 144.
Little dulky Parrot, Ed<w. glean, pi. 315»
Lev, Muf. .
D e s c r i p t io n . TN fize it yields to the dove-houfe Pigeon. The bill is dufky,
with an orange-coloured fpot on the fides: top and fides of
the head below the eyes black, gloffed with blue on the crown :
eyes dark, in a light blue fkin : below this, round the throat and
hind part of the head, is a ring marked with dufky fpots on a
fillemot-ground: hind part of the neck, back, rump, and wing
coverts, dark brown black : quills fine blue: tail dark blue
above when doled, but the inner webs of the fide feathers are
reddifh, except the tips, which are blue t the breaft, belly, and
thighs, appear purple: the legs are dufky.
In the mufeum at Eeicefter-houfe is one of thefe birds, or at
leaft a fmall variety. The colour of the plumage is an irregular
mixture of black, blue, and brown : about the head the violet
tinge predominates, and on the breaft and under parts the brown,
Or rather cheftnut. There is not the leaft trace of any ring of
dufky and fillemot, as mentioned by Mr. Edwards * ; but in other
particulars anfwers to this defcription. It is not unlikely but it
may be a bird not yet come to its fullnefs of plumage, or, ftill
more likely, a female.
It inhabits Surinam, and is known in America, as well as France, P l a c e .
by the name of Perroquet violet. It is common at Guiana, but
meets the fate o f the former, from not having the faculty of
Piittacus collarius, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 149. N° 42.
Le Perroquet a gorge rouge de la Jamaique, Mr if. orn. iv. p. 241. N“ 2J
Le Saflebe, Buf. oif. vi. p. 249.
Xaxabes, Oviedo, lib. iv. ch. 4.
Plittacus minor collo miniaceo, Raii Syn. p. 181. N° 8.
Common Parrot of Jamaica, Sloan. Jam. p. 297. N° 9.
C IZ E of a Pigeon. The head, hind part of the neck, back, D e s c r i p t io n .
rump, fcapulars, upper and under wing coverts, breaft, belly,
fides, upper and under tail coverts, are green: throat and fore
part of the neck fine red: quills black, with green edges: tail
Inhabits Jamaica. P l a c e .
• Nor any red on the forehead, as in the Planches enluminees, and Buffin’s defcription
of the bird.