
out the leaf! appearance of luteous on the head, nor on any other
part. This was Ihot in Kent.
It preys on Rabbits, young Wild Ducks*, and other water-
fowl, as well as filh.
V a r . A.
Falco fpadiceus, or Chocolate Falcon, Phil. Tranf. vol. lxii. p. 281.
Chocolate Falcon, Forft, Amer. Cat* p. 9.
Bay Falcon, Am, Zool, N°
D e s c r i p t io n . ^ T 'H IS appears to be a variety of the Moor Buzzard. Mr.
Forfter, who defcribes it in the Phil. Tranf. above quoted,
fays, that it is very like the Moor Buzzard, only being lefs, and
in wanting the light fpot on the head. Quere, Is not this my
plain variety ?
V ar. B.
"DILL black: cere yellow: general colour ferruginous, with a
tinge of brown - cheeks and round the eyes darkeft ■ rump
white: the two middle tail-feathers of a deep alh-colour ; the
others of the fame colour with the body; all of them barred
with four bars of very dark brown : the tips dufky : legs yellow,
long, and flender: claws black.
I venture to place this as a variety only, and not as a diftindt
fpecies, the more efpecially, as all the Buzzards differ much, though
of the fame fpecies. I am indebted fof this defcription to a fine
In Tome places it is called the Duck Hawk.
drawing in Mr. Banks’s * poffelfion, faid to come from Hudfon’s
S i
mm i
Le Faucon de la Baye d’ITudfon, Brif. orn. î p. 356, N° 10.
■ — --------- —----—------- Buf oif. i. p. 223.
Alh-coloured Buzzard, Eaw. t, 53.—Forjl. Amer. Cat. p. g.
Cinereous Falcon, Am. Zool. N“
OIZE o f a middling Hen. The bill is o f a blueifh colour: cere
■ the fame: iris yellow rover the eye is a white line fpotted with
brown; under the eye a dufky line above, the bird is of a cinereous
brown ; beneath, deep brown, mixedsgyith white : the prime
quills are deep brown ; the firft of them fpotted on the outfide
with white: the tail beneath is cinereous, banded with white;
; above cinereous brown, with tranfverfe grey bands : the legs
are of a blueifh afh-colour, covered with feathers for half their
length : claws black.
This fpecies inhabits Hudfon’s Bay, and is faid’ to prey chiefly
on the White Partridge or Ptarmigan.
* To this gentleman the. world is much obliged, by his great attention
to every department of natural hift'ory in common ; and in regard to the prefent
undertaking, the author would do him injuftice, .did he not own himfelf particularly
fo, by the unreferved ufe of his moft valuable and extenlive library of
natural hiftory; without which, this work would have fallen fhort of that fmall.
degree of perfe&ion which it has attained.
D escr
P l a c e .