T A L C O N .
Falco Offifragos, Lin. $y/. ;i. p. 124. N® 4.
Le grand Aigle de Mer, Brif. orn. i. p. 437. N® 9.
L ’Orfraie, Buf. oif. i. p. 112, t. 3.
Le grand Aigle de Mer, PI, enl. 112-, the male.
Orfraie ou Offifrague, PL enl. 415, the female.
Haliatus feu Offifraga, Rail Syn. p. 7, N° 3.
Sea Eagle, or Ofprey, Will. orn. p. 59, t. 1.
.... . " ■ ■ ■ ■ "-■ Br, Zool. i. p. 167, t. 17.
*" ■ ' ■ "■ Am. Zool. N°
Br. Mu/. * Lev. Muf.
D escription. 'T 'H I S fpecies is a trifle lefs in fize than the Golden Eagle:
the length is three feet four inches and a half. The bill is
o f a blueilh horn-colour: cere luteous: under the chin the hairs
almoft as narrow as briftles: the upper parts are covered with
ferruginous brown, the margins o f the feathers darkeft: belly
whitifc, Ipotted with ferruginous: the infides and tips o f the
tail feathers are o f a deep brown; the outlides o f fome are ferruginous,
o f others blotched with white : legs yellow, feathered
a little below the knees with ferruginous feathers : claws deep
black, very large, and remarkably hooked.
Linnaeus fays, that the interior webs o f the tail feathers,
and the lhaft, are white; and that the female is o f a dull ferruginous
* The author means here to fignify the Britijh Mufeum, which has been the
repofitory for every curious matter for feveral years pail, and among the reft,
not ill ftored with ipecimens in ornithology; an account of which will be no*
ticed in this manner throughout this work.
t - SEA
2 Inhabits
F A L C O N , 3t
Inhabits Europe: not unlike the Golden Eagle; but the laft'
is feathered to the toes. It lives chiefly on filh, but is not
indebted to any other help than it’s own, in order to procure
them, as is the cafe in the laft' fpecies. It is frequent likewife
in North America; and was alfo met with, in Botany IJland by.
Captain Cooke.
Ealco chryfaetos, Linfyji.i. p. 125. Nc 5,
■ - ------- Scop. Ann. i. p. 13,
L*Aigle done, BriJ. orn. i. p. 431. 7.
Le grand Aigle, Buf. oif. i. p. 76.
■ ----------------PI. enl 410.
Chryfaetos, Railfyn. p. 6, N° 1.
Golden Eagle, Will. orn. p. 58, t. 1.—Albin. ii. t. 1«
- ... ■ Br. Zool. i. p. 161, t. 16,
Lev. Muf.
^J’HIS is a large fpecies, weighing twelve pounds j the length Description, .
is three feet, breadth feven feet four inches. The bill is
deep blue: cere y e llow : irides hazel:: head and neck o f a
deep brown,, bordered with tawny: hind head of-a bright ruft- •
colour: . the whole body dark brown: quill feathers chocolate, ,
with white fhafes: tail deep brown, blotched with obfeure afh: .
legs yellow, and feathered quite to the toes, which are v e r y
fcaly, and the claws remarkably large, the middle one being two,
inches in length..
Inhabits Europe..