M. de Buffon * fays, that the laft-defcribed is the fame with the
Haggard Falcon, or N° 50. Var. B. — This gentleman’s remarks
are not made without juft foundation, for the moft part; and we
are forry that our plan, as a fynopfts, will not admit us to take
them in oftener. All that need be faid on this fubjeft is, that
the variety of the Falcon-tribe is almoft endlefs, as well as the
opinion of the different authors who treat on the fubjeft.
D escription.
Spotted Falcon, Br. Zool, N° 55. t. 26.
Lev. Muf.
yellow : crown and hind part of the neck white, fpotted with
light reddilh brown : back and fcapulars the fame, edged with
white: quills dulky, barred with afh-colour : beneath, the neck,
breaft, belly, and thighs are white: on the neck and breaft are
a few rufty fpots: rump white: tail barred with lighter and
darker brown: middle feathers barred with white and deep
brown : the legs very ftrong.
Mr. Pennant is the only one who has defcribed this bird.
Two of them have been Ihot at Longnor, in Shropshire.
* Hijl. des Oif i. p. 259.
Falco Norwegicus, Leemius de Lapp. p. 236 ?
Graafalk, A£la nidroja, vol. iv. p. 417. t. 13 ?
Falco lagopus, Brun. orn. bar. p. 4. N° 15.
Rough-legged Falcon, Br. Zool. app. t. 1.
Lev. Muf.
*jpHE length is two feet two inches. Bill dulky: cere yellow :
head,-neck, and breaft of a yellowilh white, marked in
fome parts with oblong brown ftrokes: the belly of a deep
brown : thighs and legs of a pale yellow, marked with brown:
fcapulars blotched with brown and yellowilh white: coverts of
the wings brown, edged with ruft: ends of the primaries deep
brown; the lower parts white: the extreme half of the tail
brown, tipt with dirty white; that next the body white: legs
covered with feathers as low as the feet: the feet yellow.
This fpecies is a native of Denmark, with the former. We
owe this defcription and figure to Mr. Pennant. The fpecimen
referred to was fhot near London, and is now in the Levertan
D escription.
Le Faucon patu, Sri/, orn. vi. app. p. 22. t. i.
J T is from M. Brijfon that we have defcribed this Ipecies
fays that it is the lize of the Jerfalcon ; length one foot feven
inches and a quarter. The bill blackilh : cere and eyelids lu-
teous: parts above blackilh-brown, with a tinge of violet, and
variegated with dirty grey : beneath yellow brown, with longi-
L 2 tudinal
He D escrip t ion.