•.De s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
D p s ç r i p t io n .
when broken by their feeding on them, and being exceeding
vifcous, catches them like birdlime*
Lev. Muf.
J ^ENGTH fix inches: body fmall. Bill whitilh : cere dufky :
plumage wholly of a bright green: infide of the quills dufky :
tail cuneated ; the tips of all the feathers of a greenilh yellow:
legs lead-colour.
Inhabits fome of the ijlands in the South Seas. The fpecimen
above defcribed faid to come from Otaheite. It appears to be
the fmalleft of its race.
* * W i th T A I L S E V E N A T T H E EN D.
Pfittacus criftatus, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 143. N° 22.
Le Kakatoes, Brif orn. iv. p. 204. N° 8. t. 2|.
Le Kakatoes a huppe blanche, Buf. oif. vi. p. 92.
Kakatoes des Moluques, PI. enl. 263.
Pfittacus albus criftatus Aldrovandi, Raii Syn• p. 30. N° 1.
White-crefted Parrot of Aldrovandus, Will. orn. p. 112. t. 15.
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E qf an ordinary Fowl: length eighteen inches. The bill is
blackifh : cere black : irides very dark or black * : fpace
round the eyes naked and white: the colour of the bird is quite
* Willughby Jays yellow ; but they are not of that -colour in a fpecimen I have
by me, nor in that which BrijJbn faw alive at Paris, or that accurate defcriber
would have noticed it.
9 white;
white, except the greater quills and fide tail feathers, which are
of a brimftone-colour for half way on the inner fides next the
bafe. It has on the head a large folded creft, five inches in
length, but the crown itfelf is quite bare. The feathers on the
neck too are [loofe and flowing, fo that when the bird erects the
creft, the head appears of a large fize. Legs and claws black.
Inhabits tbe Molucca IJles.
Le Kakatoes h hupe rouge, Brif. orn. iv. p. 209. N° 10.
Le Kakatoes a huppe rouge, Buf. oif. vi. p. 95.
*--- !— ------ PI. enl. 498.,
Greater Cockatoo, Edvj. iv. t. 160.
T H E length of this fpecies is feventeen inches and a quarter, and
is larger than the laft, being equal in fize to the great red and
■ blue Maccaw. The bill is blue black: cere black: bareflcin
round the eyes greyifh : irides dull red: general colour white,
with a light rofe-coloured tinge. It has a very large creft, fome
of the feathers being fix inches and a half in length; the under
part of the creft is red : the fide tail feathers, from the bafe to the
middle, are of a brimftone-colour on the inner webs: legs lead-
coloured : claws black.
Inhabits the Molucca IJles.
P lace.
6z. 1
■ f- GREAT
D e s c r i p t io n .
P la ce .