M anners. While this bird is at reft, either fitting or Handing, it erefts »
creft, appearing as if it was horned, which does not appear while
it.is flying. It flies very fwift, and runs fall, preying both on-
living as well as dead animals, alfo filh 5 catching the firft not
only in flight, but by often fairly running them down.
Le Vautour dore, Brif. or», i. p- 458. 5.
Vultur fuivus Gefneri, Raii Syn. p. 10. N0J.
Vultur bosticus, Raii Syn. p. 10. N- 3.
Golden Vulture, IVill.?rn. p, 6y. N*‘j , t, 4,
D escription. TJK5GER than the Golden Eagle. Length four feet eight inches.
The head and hind part of the neck are rufous white : the-
body is black above, and rufous beneath: quills and tail brown r.
the ftiafts of the feathers, on the upper.parts, are white,: legs
covered to the toes with pale rufous feathers: the toes them-
felves brown : claws horn-colour.
M . de Buffon fays,. that it appears clear to him, that, this and!
N" n are varieties of each other..
Angola Vulture, Penn. 'Tour in Wales, p* 228. t. 19»
Lev. Muj,
D escription. ^ p H E fize of this fpecies is about half as big again as a kite;.
- ' The bill is whitiih, long, and: but little hooked : cere blue-i
ilh;v orbits -flelh-.coloured and. naked: irides ftraw-coloured':V
head and neck’ clothed with feathers:, craw pendulous,:- head,,
neck, "back, bread, belly, and lefier wing coverts, of a pure