fo- as to appear as a very handfome creft, as Fermin fays it does
when angry ; and, as this is a circumftance recorded of no other
Parrot, it may perhaps prove the fame bird.
73. Le- Perroquet de la Guadeloupe, Br if. orn• ïv. p. 302. N° 44.
R.UFF-NECKED Le Crik à tête violette, Bnf. oif. vi. p. 233.
PARK , Perroquet de la Guadeloupe, Du Tartre Hiß. des AntilLM. p. 250. f. in p,
246 bad.
D escr ip t ion . / - p u i s , fays Du Tèrtre, is fô beautifuPand fo fingulàr a bird, iflr
' refpeét to its plumage, that it ought to be defcribed. It is
near the fize of a Fowl. The bill and the eyes bordered with
fiefh-colöur : head, neck, and belly, violet, with a flight mixture
of green and black, and changeable like the breaft o f a Pigeon-:
the back brownilh green : the greater quills black; the others
. yellow, green, and red : on the wing coverts there are two fpots.
in fhape and colour of rofes. When it erefts-the-neck-feathers, it
makes the appearance o f a ruff round the head,- in which it feems .
to admire itfelf, as a Peacock does with es tail fpread.
I do not find any one who has feen it befides this author. It v a .
not known now at Guadeloupe, where Du “Tertre affirms. he met
with-it* ; but perhaps the race may be nearly extinct, Parrots of
all kinds being the food of the natives of many places ; and fuch
* It mult once have been plenty, as this author mentions their being very fat
at certain fiafons, and much coveted for food. He alfo talks of their being
very tame, infomuch that a pair having made a heft in a large tree, not far
from his habitation, the male and female alternately came there for food, and
afterwards brought their young, as fobn as they were able to fly. Hißu dee
Antilles, ii. p. 251,
birds, in courfe, muft be lefs numerous in proportion to the in-
creafe of inhabitants.
This feems-to be related to the. two former ones.
Mttacus garrulus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 144. N° 2;. 76:
Le Lory de Ceram, Hr i f orn. iv. p. 215. N° 13 ,— Buf. oif. vi. p. 129. C-ERAM LORV.
var. 2d.
Lor/, Rati Syn. 151. N° 9.
Der gank rothe Papagey, &c. Frtfch. t. 45.
Scarlet Parrakeeto with green and blacks wings, Will. orn. p. 117^.
Purple Parrot, Charity4xer. p, 75., N° 16.— Onom. p< 67. N° 16.-
Lev. Mu/o
C IZ E o f a Dove: length ten inches and' a quarter. The D e s c r i p t io n .. -
bill is orange red: cere afh-coloured : the bare fpace round
the eyes the fame: irides deep yellow: general colour fcarlet,
except the leifer and under wing coverts, which are mixed with
green and yellow: the wings are firft yellow, then green'; the
baftard wings violet: greater quills -dark green-, beneath hoary;
they are fcarlet on the infide,,and'the tips are cinereous : the two
middle tail feathers are firft green, then dull red, and tipped
with green ; the next on each, fide red for two-thirds of its -
length,and afterwards green; and the.four outer ones firA fcarlet,
then violet, with deep green tips : the lower part of the thigh :
feathers, or garter, green : legs brown : claws black.
Inhabits the ifle of Ceram, and the reft of the Moluccas. . Pea«*.