
7 6 F A L C O N ,
tudinal blackifh lines : head and upper part o f the neck fulvous
grey, with lines o f the fame : over the eyes a black ftripe : tail
brown; towards the end blackilh; tip grey, fpotted with whitilh
on the lides: legs feathered to the toes, which are luteous:
claws black.
The above author fays that this bird is in the Mufeum o f
Madame de Bandeville, but does not mention from what country.
F. -
Rough-footed Falcon, Forfl. Cat. N. A. p. 9.
~ -------- Am. Zool. N°
N ° doubt but we lhall fee an illuftration o f this fpecimen in
the Am. Zool. foon to be publilhed. Mr. Forfter mentions
it as a new lpecies, it therefore cannot be the former. But it is
not improbable that it may prove to be one o f the following,
which I defcribe from Mr. Banks's drawings.
57* '
N. S.
D escription.
L E N G T H (in the drawing) nineteen inches. Bill black: cere
yellow : colour o f the plumage dulky chocolate brown, inclined
to ferrugmous: the feathers on the head and thighs the
lighted : quills very dark: infide o f the wings and tail cinereous
white, the laft not barred: the breaft is pretty dark; on it, here and
there, are fome blotches o f white, and on the belly fome cinereous
ones: vent cinereous: the legs are feathered down to thé toes: the
feathers.which cover the legs are dalhed perpendicularly with
brown :
F A L C O N .
brown: legs yellow: claws black.— Defcribed from a drawing
at Mr. Banks’s,
Inhabits Newfoundland.
S IZ E (in the drawing) of the laft. Bill horn-colour, with a black
tip : cere yellow: forehead, juft over the bill, white : the head
and neck are ferruginous: the chin the fame, but a little mottled:
the feathers on the upper parts of the body are deep brown, with
light margins, fome of the margins nearly white: ridge of the
wing white: thighs feathered down to the toes: the feathers are
ftriated with fome broad and fome narrow ftria?: bafe of the tail
clay-coloured, and the reft of it rather light-coloured, barred with
black ; on fome of the feathers the bars do not crofs the webs
tranfverfely, but in an oblique manner: legs yellow: claws
This came from Newfoundland with the laft.
Le Sacre, Brif. or». i. p. 337.
'— 1 Buf. oif. i. p. 246. t. 14.
Falco facer, RaiiJyn. p. 13. N° 2.
Sacre, Will, orn. p. 77.
Lev. Mu/. ?
g I Z E of the Jerfalcon. The bill of this bird is blue: eyes
black : back, breaft, and upper wing-coverts fpotted with
10 .brown :
N. S.
D e s c r i p t i o n .
S» A5C9R’ E.
D escription.