4 H f t O L L E R.
Pl . XVI.
-De s c r i p t io n .
F emale.
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
J ENGTH eight inches. Bill three quarters of an inch long,
bent at the tip, and of a black colour: irides -red: general
colour of the plumage deep blue black, dallied with ftreaks of
greenifh blue: tail and legs black.
The female is cinereous grey : top of the head darkefl:: the coverts
and quills are black, edged with cinereous: tail plain grey?
legs black.
Inhabits New Caledonia.
Le Rhllier de la Chine, Hr if. cm. ii. p. 77 • N' 5. pl. 6. f. a.
' Le Rolie de la Chine, Buf. oif. iii. p. 13Z.
Re-llier de la Chine, /Y. ml. 620.
'J 'H IS is of the fize of a Jay: the lengtheleven inches and &
half. The bill and irides are red : the head *, hind part of
the neck, back, rump, and upper tail coverts, are green ': through
the eyes on each fide is a black ftripe: the under parts of the
body, from chin to vefit, are yellowilh white, tinged with green 5
but the thighs are grey: wing coverts olive brown: quills the
fame, with a mixture of cbeftnut in fome ; and others, nearelt the
body, tipped with white: the tail is five inches in length, and
cuneiform, the outer feathers fhortening by degrees, like that of a
Magpie; all of them are more or le£s green, verging to black
near the ends*; the tips of all are white : the legs and claws are of
a pale red, and longer than in other Rollers.
* This feehis-crMed-in t h e ijil. butthis cjfcujnfts8'($-ts not'meh tinned by