48. «
h o r n e d
P t . VXH.
D e s c r i p t io n ,
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
T ENGTH eleven inches: fize of a fmall Dove. The bill is
■ *“' blueifh at the bafe, and black at the tip : irides o f a golden
yellow: forehead, crown, nape, and region of the ears, deep
fcarlet, mixed with black : fides o f the head yellowifh. orange .
the lower mandible is befet ’with deep black fhining feathers,
pointing forwards: from the crown ipring two flender dufky feathers,
about an inch and a half long, and tipped with crimfon.
the hind part of the neck, and the rump, are yellowifh: the reft
of the body green: the wing coverts green outwardly, but the
inner webs and tips are dufky: the quills are black j the outer
margins of them blue: tail cuneiform, fix inches in length, and
o f the fame blue colour as the quills,-but green on the outer
edges, near the bafe; near the ends, and the tips, almoft white ;
the under part o f the tail and quills foot black: legs dufky
blue. _ .
This fpecies inhabits Neiv Caledonia*, and is called by the na*
tives Kere or Keghe. I found this bird in the collection of Sir
' Jof. Banks, where there is a perfect and fine fpecimen; I believe
the only one that has reached England,
•sr ENGTH twelve inches. Bill blueifh ; tip pale : the feathers
round the upper mandible crimfon; thofe round the lower,
and the chin, blue,: crown greenilh yellow : the plumage on the
• In Cmk’sVoj. vol. ii. p. Ho, a bird is figured, which I take to be this;
but it feems to have been done more by way of ornament to the plate, than ex-
pteffive of the bird.