162 S H R I K E .
greater Ike than the other; and, indeed, it is well known that
thofe of Sweden and Germany exceed thofe of other parts by much
in bignefs.
Vat. b .
V a r ie t y » A Variety of this bird * has been known of a pure white
throughout, except the bill and claws, which were black»,
and the legs yellowifh. $
Lanius ludovicianus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 134. N°6.
La pie-griefche de la Louiiiane, Brif. oin. ii. p. 162. N® 8. pi. 15* L 2«
— Pi. tnl. 397.—Am. Zoal. N°
D escription. C IZ E of the cinereous Shrike, which it much refembles, but thé
^ colours rather darker, and the fcapulars not white : tail feathers
black; all but the two middle ones have white ends; the
bafe is alfo white.
P lace. This is a native of Louifiana.
Lanius Senegalus, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 137. N° 21,
La pie-griefche grife da Senegal, Brif. orn. ii. p. 167. N& xo. pi. 17. f. 1 r
—PI. ml. 297. f. I.
D escription. T E N G T H eight inches and three quarters: fize of the red-
backed. The bill is black ; the bafe befet with briftles: the
upper part of the head is black: above the eye a dirty white line :
through the eye a ftreak of black : upper part of the body grey ;
* Brif. orn% ii. p. 145. La pie-griefche hlanche.
7 bbeenneeaatthh
S H R I K E ,
beneath hoary : wing coverts above rufous: fcapulars brown,
edged with rufous; as are the quills; but the infide and tips are
brown, and edged with rufous within: the two middle tail feathers
are grey brown, obfoletely ftriated with a darker colour ;
the reft of the feathers' are black, margined on the outer webs
and tips with white : legs and claws grey brown..
Inhabits Senegal, Piac*.
Lanins collaris, Lin. Syft. i. p, 135. N" 9. - COLLARED
La pie-griefche da Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif, on. ii. p. 182. pi. 15. g‘
f. i .—PI. enl. 477. f. X.
C IZ E of our cinereous Shrike, Length eight inches and three D e s c r i p t io n .
quarters. Bill blackilh : the head and upper -parts of the
body are blackilh j beneath whitilh : bafe of the thighs brown
On the fore-part: the edge of the wing white : the fcapulars have
a mixture of white, and there is a fpot of the fame in the middle
of the quills : the four middle tail feathers are black ; the next
on each fide, the fame, tipped with white j the fourth has the
outer margin and tip white; and the two outer ones black, with
the whole of the outer webs and tips white: legs and claws
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. One of thefe, which came
under my infpefiion, had the rump of an elegant afti-colour.
g I Z E of our cinereous Shrike. Length nine inches. Bill horn-
colour; plumage above brown black: lower part of the back
and rump brown : throat and bread: dirty white : belly and vent
ferruginous: tail plain black brown : legs black.
D e s c r i p t io n ,