35« H O R N B I ' L L .
D e s c r i p t io n o
th e B i l l .
Bill of an Indian Raven, Will, orn, t. 78.
/ | VHE bill is, in figure, not unlike that of N° 3: in length,
from the angles of the mouth to tip, from five to fix inches:
on the top of the upper mandible is an appendage arifing about
an inch in height; this is rounded at top, and divided into feven
or eight fegments, not unaptly refembling the rattle of a rattle-
fnake: the edges of the mandibles are jagged in the middle, not
ferrated: noftrils fituated at the bafe of the firft fegment, and have
the appearance of roundilh holes. Specimens of this are to be
feen in the Britijh, Leverian, and other Mufeum, The bill only
has, I believe, yet arrived in England.
G enus