D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
This is the defcription -of Aldrovani, who does not mention
from what country it came ; but Briffon, miftaking it for the
Perroquet violet of Barrere, which comes from Guiana, placed it as
a native of that place in courfe.
Le Perroquet de la Chine. Brif. orn. iv. p. 291. N° 39.
Le Perroquet vert, Buf. oif. vi. p. 116.
Perroquet de la Chine, PI. enl. 514.
Le grand Perroquet verd de la Nouvelle Guihee, Son. Voy. p. 174. t. 108,
Green and red Parrot from China, Edna, glean, t. 231.
g I Z E of a middling Hen. The upper mandible red at the bale,
with a yellowilh tip ; the lower one black: there is neither
cere nor bare Ikin round the eyes: the irides are orange: the bird
is wholly green, except the fides and under wing coverts, which
are red : the edge of the wing, and fome of the greater coverts,
are blue: the under part of the tail is brown : legs and claws
Inhabits China and Amboina; but in the former only in the
moft fouthern provinces: it is not common. Buffon fays he has
received it from the Moluccas and New Guinea; and Sonnerat
likewife defcribes it as being a native of the laffe place.
Le Perroquet a Bee couleur de Sang, Buf. oif. vi. p. 122.
Perroquet de la Nouvelle Guinee, PI. enl. 713.
n pH IS is fourteen inches in length, and is a large-fized Parrot.
A The bill blood-colour, very thick and broad, more fo than
in other Parrots, or even Maccaws: the head and neck are fine
green, with a gilded glofs: fore part of the body yellow, lhaded
with green : tail green above, yellow beneath : back blue green r
the wing appears tinged with a mixture of fky-blue and green,
according to different afpefts: the coverts are black ; the feathers
edged and variegated with dalhes of gilded yellow.
Inhabits New Guinea.
Legrand Perroquet vert à tête bleu, Buf* oif. vi. p. Ww
Perroquet d’Amboine, PL enl. 862.
^Tp'HIS, is likewife a very large bird, being fixteen inches in
length. The forehead and crown are blue: the reft of the
plumage is -grafs-green, with a great mixture of blue on the
quills : the under parts of the body are olive green : the tail is
Ihort ; ^bove green, and of a dull yellow beneath : legs lead-
Inhabits Amboina.
Pfittacus Ieucocephalus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 145. N° 30*
Le Perroquet de la Martinique, Brif. orn. iv. p. 242. N° 26.
L ’Amazone à tête blanche, Buf '.oif vi. p. 212. t. g,
Perroquet à front blanc du Senegal, PL enl. 335.
White-headed Parrot, Ed<w. iv. t. 166*.
Lev. Muf.
Ç IZ E of a Imall Pigèon. Bill flelh-colour r cere white, as is
the fpace round the eyes : irides dark hazel : general colour
of the plumage green ; the feathers margined with brown, moft
confpicuous on the fore parts : the forehead is white : crown of
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n.
P l a c e .
D escri -p vion.