
298 P A R R O T.
D e s c r ip t io ns
P la c e and-
M a n n e r s .
Pfittacus feftivus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 147* 35*
Perroquet tahue de Cayenne, P i. enl. 840.
LeTavoua, Buf. oif. vi. p. 240.
Lev. Muf
C IZE of a Pigeon: length eleven inches. The bill is of a lead-
^ colour, with the tip black: cere greyilh black, from which
part to the eye it is bare, and of the fame colour: irides of a
faffron-colour: from eye to eye, juft over the forehead, the feathers
are of a purplilh cheftnut: from the bafe of the upper mandible
fprings a ftripe of pale blue, which paffes through the eye
on each fide, to the hind head, but vanilhes before it meets behind
: the top of the head is green, with a very little ipixture of
blue: on the throat is a fpot of blue: the reft of the body is
plain green, but lighteft beneath; except from the middle of the
back to the rump, which is of a very fine bright, though deep
crimfon : tail coverts and tail green; the outer edge of the outer
tail feathers blue: the baftard wing is deep blue: the greater
quills almoft black, with the outer edges fringed with blue; the
reft of the wing green : legs light alh-colour: claws black.
The above is defcribed from the living bird, now in the pof-
feffion of a friend of mine. In the quiefcent ftate, the crimfon on
the back is not vifible. It is very tame, Bit talks very little ; for,
notwithstanding it has been in England fome years, and in a large
family, it articulates only a very few words.
Buj]on obferves that it inhabits Guiana, where it is rare; but
fometimes comes near the inhabited parts. The natives there
call it Taveua, and it is known by that name by the traders in
10, birds.
■ t
birds. It is in great efteem from its talking even better than
either the Guinea or afh-colcAired Parrot: and it is therefore Angular,
fays Buffon, that it has been only known within this little
while *. This bird is particularly ungrateful and mifehievous;
for inftead of returning the notice any one takes of it, it bites, in
earneft, every one the mOmeht it is attempted to be ftroaked.
Its looks are lively, but fly; and it is more agile and playful
than aniy other Parrot.
The above feems different in manners from the one which I
have defcribed; but as Buffon (peaks from the general manners
of the whole Ipecies, it is not to be contradi&ed by thofe of an
Lev. Muf.
y ENGTH ten inches. Bill red; pale at the point: cere
dulky : round the eye blackilh : head, neck, breaft, and under
parts of the body, green : rump the fame, but paler: middle
o f the back, between the wings, black; lower part of the back
blue : all' the wing covertS a full crimfon; baftard wing and fe-
cond quills dark green, as is the edge of the wing the whole way
round to the firft joint, where it inclines to black : tail rather
long, the feathers even at the ends, and of a dark green : legs
Native place unknown.
• He furely has overlooked the Ihort defeription which Linnaus has given of
i t ; it cannot be a different bird.
D E S C R r r T i o N .