■ greater coverts and quills grafs green : lefler coverts and fecon-
daries yellow green : all the quills have their fhafts black: inner
edges of the tail feathers yellow green •: legs grey.
Place unknown.
La petite Perruche du Breiil, Br if. cm. iv. p* 382. N°8l-.
Le Tirica, Buf. o if vi. p. 281.
Petite Jafeufe, PL -enL 837.
Tui-tirica, Rati Syn. p. 34. N° 3.
.... --------Will. orn. p. I I 6. ch.4. fe&. 4.
Green Parrakeet, Brown Jam. p. 473 .
Description. r-pflIS is bigger than the Guinea Sparrow. Bill Edfa-colourt
eyes black : colour green, paleft beneath : legs and claws
blueifh *.
P l a c e . M- Sinner at mentions a bird found at the Philippines,, which he
compares to the Siui-tirica of Marcgrave. The bill and legs grey,
with a yellow iris; perhaps a tranfported bird from America.
D e s c r ip t io n .
Le Sofové, Buf. oif. vi. p. 280.
Petite Perruche de Cayenne, PI. enl. 45^* 3*
*“pH E bill of this bird is grey : the plumage wholly green, except
a light yellow Ipot on the wings, and another on the
tail coverts : legs grey.
• Thefe two laft do not feem to differ lb much in the f t ml. as in Baffin's
defcription i both have a pale red bill; both a red fpot on the chin, though
paleft in S37. In this laft too there is an a Ill-coloured fpot on the upper edge
o f the wing ; but in neither is there a broad cheftnut band on the wing; as mentioned
in rhe firft. Mom. The figure in 190 has the tail feathers even, and that
in 837 feem pointed at the ends.
This is common at Guiana, efpecially towards Oyapoc and the
Amazons river. It is eafily kept tame, and fpeaks pretty well. Its
natural voice is like the fqueaking of Punch in a puppet-fhew; but
when taught to articulate, is always chattering. The vernacular
name is Sofove.
La petite Perruche à telle jaune du Brefil, Brlf. orn. iv. p. 398. N° 90.
Le Toui à tête d’or, Buf. oif. vi. p. 284.
Petite Perruche de Pille de St, Thomas, PI. enl. 456. I.
Tui, fpec. 4. Bail Syn. p. 34.
Tuio f the Brafilians, 4th fpecies, Will. orn. p. 1x6. fret. 4.
Ç IZ E of a Starling. Bill black : eyes large and blackifh : or-
bits yellow : forehead orange : the reft of the bird green ;
paleft beneath.
Inhabits Brafil. The bird figured in PI. enl. above quoted,
came from the IJle of St. Thomas ; but Buff on remarks, that the
yellow on the head was paler, otherwife quite the fame.
La petite Perruche hupee, Brif. orn. iv. p. 404. N° 94.
Plittacus erythrochloros criftatus Aldrov. Rati Syn. p. 34. 4.
Crefted red and green Parrot of Aldrovaudus, Will. orn. p. 116. 3.
OIZE-of a Blackbird. Iriaes red : on the top of the head is a
creft compofed of fix feathers; three great and three fmaller
ones : the body is green : the wings and tail red ; the laft rather
fhort. This has the faculty of raifing or deprefiing the creft at
Country uncertain.
T t La
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .